Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions(1), in particular Article 150(1)(l) thereof,
(1) In order to ensure a coherent implementation and application throughout the EU of Directive 2006/48/EC, the Commission and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors set up a working group (Capital Requirements Directive Transposition Group — CRDTG) in 2006, entrusted with the task of discussing and resolving issues related to the implementation and application of that Directive. According to the CRDTG, certain technical provisions included in Annexes V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII to Directive 2006/48/EC need to be further specified in order to ensure a convergent application. Moreover, certain provisions are not commensurate with sound risk management practices of credit institutions. It is therefore appropriate to adjust these provisions.
(2) For the sake of achievement of the internal market, the ways in which a credit institution can demonstrate that there is significant transfer of risk off its balance sheet should be clarified. It is also appropriate to increase the credit conversion factor for liquidity facilities granted by credit institutions to off-balance sheet vehicles.
(3) Directive 2006/48/EC should therefore be amended accordingly.
(4) The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the European Banking Committee,
Directive 2006/48/EC is amended as follows:
in Annex V, point 8 is replaced by the following:
Annex VI, Part 1, is amended as follows:
in point 29, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
in point 31, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
point 14 is replaced by the following:
in point 73, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
the following point 90 is added:
Annex VII, Part 1, is amended as follows:
point 25 is replaced by the following:
point 27 is replaced by the following:
Risk-weighted exposure amount = 100 % * exposure value,
except for when the exposure is a residual value of leased properties in which case it shall be calculated as follows:
1/t * 100 % * exposure value,
where t is the greater of 1 and the nearest number of whole years of the lease remaining.’;
Annex VII, Part 2, is amended as follows:
point 13(c) is replaced by the following:
For exposures arising from fully or nearly-fully collateralised derivative instruments (listed in Annex IV) transactions and fully or nearly-fully collateralised margin lending transactions which are subject to a master netting agreement, M shall be the weighted average remaining maturity of the transactions where M shall be at least 10 days. For repurchase transactions or securities or commodities lending or borrowing transactions which are subject to a master netting agreement, M shall be the weighted average remaining maturity of the transactions where M shall be at least 5 days. The notional amount of each transaction shall be used for weighting the maturity;’;
in Annex VII, Part 4, point 96 is replaced by the following:
Annex VIII, Part 1 is amended as follows:
in point 9, the following paragraph is added:
‘If the collective investment undertaking is not limited to investing in instruments that are eligible for recognition under points 7 and 8, units may be recognised with the value of the eligible assets as collateral under the assumption that the CIU has invested to the maximum extent allowed under its mandate in non-eligible assets. In cases where non-eligible assets can have a negative value due to liabilities or contingent liabilities resulting from ownership, the credit institution shall calculate the total value of the non-eligible assets and shall reduce the value of the eligible assets by that of the non-eligible assets in case the latter is negative in total.’;
in point 11, the following paragraph is added:
‘If the collective investment undertaking is not limited to investing in instruments that are eligible for recognition under point 7 and 8 and the items mentioned in point (a) of this point, units may be recognised with the value of the eligible assets as collateral under the assumption that the CIU has invested to the maximum extent allowed under its mandate in non-eligible assets. In cases where non-eligible assets can have a negative value due to liabilities or contingent liabilities resulting from ownership, the credit institution shall calculate the total value of the non-eligible assets and shall reduce the value of the eligible assets by that of the non-eligible assets in case the latter is negative in total.’;
Annex VIII, Part 2, is amended as follows:
point 13 is replaced by the following:
the life insurance policy is openly pledged or assigned to the lending credit institution;
the company providing the life insurance is notified of the pledge or assignment and as a result may not pay amounts payable under the contract without the consent of the lending credit institution;
the lending credit institution has the right to cancel the policy and receive the surrender value in the event of the default of the borrower;
the lending credit institution is informed of any non-payments under the policy by the policy-holder;
the credit protection is provided for the maturity of the loan. Where this is not possible because the insurance relationship ends before the loan relationship expires, the credit institution must ensure that the amount deriving from the insurance contract serves the credit institution as security until the end of the duration of the credit agreement;
the pledge or assignment is legally effective and enforceable in all jurisdictions which are relevant at the time of the conclusion of the credit agreement;
the surrender value is declared by the company providing the life insurance and is non-reducible;
the surrender value is to be paid in a timely manner upon request;
the surrender value cannot be requested without the consent of the credit institution;
the company providing the life insurance is subject to Directive 2002/83/EC and Directive 2001/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(2) or is subject to supervision by a competent authority of a third country which applies supervisory and regulatory arrangements at least equivalent to those applied in the Community.’
in point 16, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
Annex VIII, Part 3, is amended as follows:
point 24 is replaced by the following:
point 26 is replaced by the following:
in point 33, the definition of the variable ‘E’ is replaced by the following:
‘E is the exposure value as would be determined under Articles 78 to 83 or Articles 84 to 89 as appropriate if the exposure was not collateralised. For this purpose, for credit institutions calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts under Articles 78 to 83, the exposure value of an off-balance sheet item listed in Annex II shall be 100 % of its value rather than the exposure value indicated in Article 78(1), and for credit institutions calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts under Articles 84 to 89, the exposure value of the items listed in Annex VII, Part 3, points 9 to 11 shall be calculated using a conversion factor of 100 % rather than the conversion factors or percentages indicated in those points.’;
in point 69, the following sentence is added:
‘For this purpose, the exposure value of the items listed in Annex VII, Part 3, points 9, 10 and 11 shall be calculated using a conversion factor or percentage of 100 % rather than the conversion factors or percentages indicated in those points.’;
point 75 is replaced by the following:
point 80 is replaced by the following:
subject to the risk weights specified in point 80a where the exposure is subject to Articles 78 to 83;
assigned an LGD of 40 % where the exposure is subject to Articles 84 to 89 but not subject to the credit institution’s own estimates of LGD.
In case of a currency mismatch, the current surrender value shall be reduced according to point 84, the value of the credit protection being the current surrender value of the life insurance policy.’;
the following new point 80a is inserted after point 80:
a risk weight of 20 %, where the senior unsecured exposure to the company providing the life insurance is assigned a risk weight of 20 %;
a risk weight of 35 %, where the senior unsecured exposure to the company providing the life insurance is assigned a risk weight or 50 %;
a risk weight of 70 %, where the senior unsecured exposure to the company providing the life insurance is assigned a risk weight of 100 %;
a risk weight of 150 %, where the senior unsecured exposure to the company providing the life insurance is assigned a risk weight of 150 %.’;
point 87 is replaced by the following:
E is the exposure value according to Article 78; for this purpose, the exposure value of an off-balance sheet item listed in Annex II shall be 100 % of its value rather than the exposure value indicated in Article 78(1);
g is the risk weight of exposures to the protection provider as specified under Articles 78 to 83; and
GA is the value of G* as calculated under point 84 further adjusted for any maturity mismatch as laid down in Part 4.’;
in point 88, the definition of the variable ‘E’ is replaced by the following:
‘E is the exposure value according to Article 78. For this purpose, the exposure value of an off-balance sheet item listed in Annex II shall be 100 % of its value rather than the exposure value indicated in Article 78(1);’;
points 90, 91 and 92 are replaced by the following:
Annex IX, Part 2 is amended as follows:
point 1 is amended as follows:
the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
significant credit risk associated with the securitised exposures is considered to have been transferred to third parties;
the originator credit institution applies a 1 250 % risk weight to all securitisation positions it holds in this securitisation or deducts these securitisation positions from own funds according to Article 57 (r).’;
the following points 1a to 1d are inserted after the introductory phrase:
‘Unless the competent authority decides in a specific instance that the possible reduction in risk weighted exposure amounts which the originator credit institution would achieve by this securitisation is not justified by a commensurate transfer of credit risk to third parties, significant credit risk shall be considered to have been transferred in the following cases:
the risk-weighted exposure amounts of the mezzanine securitisation positions held by the originator credit institution in this securitisation do not exceed 50 % of the risk weighted exposure amounts of all mezzanine securitisation positions existing in this securitisation;
where there are no mezzanine securitisation positions in a given securitisation and the originator can demonstrate that the exposure value of the securitisation positions that would be subject to deduction from own funds or a 1 250 % risk weight exceeds a reasoned estimate of the expected loss on the securitised exposures by a substantial margin, the originator credit institution does not hold more than 20 % of the exposure values of the securitisation positions that would be subject to deduction from own funds or a 1 250 % risk weight.
For the purposes of point 1a, mezzanine securitisation positions mean securitisation positions to which a risk weight lower than 1 250 % applies and that are more junior than the most senior position in this securitisation and more junior than any securitisation position in this securitisation to which:
in the case of a securitisation position subject to points 6 to 36 of part 4 a credit quality step 1; or
in the case of a securitisation position subject to points 37 to 76 of part 4 a credit quality step 1 or 2 is assigned under Part 3.
As an alternative to points 1a and 1b significant credit risk may be considered to have been transferred if the competent authority is satisfied that a credit institution has policies and methodologies in place, ensuring that the possible reduction of capital requirements which the originator achieves by the securitisation is justified by a commensurate transfer of credit risk to third parties. The competent authorities shall only be satisfied if the originator credit institution can demonstrate that such transfer of credit risk to third parties is also recognised for purposes of the credit institution’s internal risk management and its internal capital allocation.
In addition to points 1 to 1c, all the following conditions shall be met:’;
point 2 is amended as follows:
the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
An originator credit institution of a synthetic securitisation may calculate risk-weighted exposure amounts, and, as relevant, expected loss amounts, for the securitised exposures in accordance with points 3 and 4, if either of the following is met:
significant credit risk is considered to have been transferred to third parties either through funded or unfunded credit protection;
the originator credit institution applies a 1 250 % risk weight to all securitisation positions he holds in this securitisation or deducts these securitisation positions from own funds according to Article 57 (r).’;
the following points 2a to 2d are inserted after the introductory phrase:
‘Unless the competent authority decides on a case- by-case basis that the possible reduction in risk weighted exposure amounts which the originator credit institution would achieve by this securitisation is not justified by a commensurate transfer of credit risk to third parties, significant credit risk shall be considered to have been transferred if either of the following conditions is met:
the risk-weighted exposure amounts of the mezzanine securitisation positions which are held by the originator credit institution in this securitisation do not exceed 50 % of the risk weighted exposure amounts of all mezzanine securitisation positions existing in this securitisation;
where there are no mezzanine securitisation positions in a given securitisation and the originator can demonstrate that the exposure value of the securitisation positions that would be subject to deduction from own funds or a 1 250 % risk weight exceeds a reasoned estimate of the expected loss on the securitised exposures by a substantial margin, the originator credit institution does not hold more than 20 % of the exposure values of the securitisation positions that would be subject to deduction from own funds or a 1 250 % risk weight.
For the purposes of point 2a, mezzanine securitisation positions means securitisation positions to which a risk weight lower than 1 250 % applies and that are more junior than the most senior position in this securitisation and more junior than any securitisation positions in this securitisation to which:
in the case of a securitisation position subject to points 6 to 36 of part 4 a credit quality step 1; or
in the case of a securitisation position subject to points 37 to 76 of part 4 a credit quality step 1 or 2 is assigned under Part 3.
As an alternative to points 2a and 2b, significant credit risk may be considered to have been transferred if the competent authority is satisfied that a credit institution has policies and methodologies in place to ensure that a possible reduction of capital requirements that the originator achieves by the securitisation is justified by a commensurate transfer of credit risk to third parties. The competent authorities shall only be satisfied if the originator credit institution can demonstrate that such transfer of credit risk to third parties is also recognised for purposes of the credit institutions internal risk management and its internal capital allocation.
In addition, the transfer shall comply with the following conditions:’;
Annex IX, Part 4, is amended as follows:
in point 13 the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:
‘When the following conditions are met, to determine its exposure value a conversion figure of 50 % may be applied to the nominal amount of a liquidity facility:’;
points 2.4.2 and 14 are deleted;
point 48 is deleted;
points 3.5.1 and 56 are deleted;
in Annex X, Part 2, point 1 is replaced by the following:
Annex X, Part 3, is amended as follows:
point 14 is replaced by the following:
in Annex XII, Part 2, point 10 the following points (d) and (e) are added:
the highest, the lowest and the mean of the daily value-at-risk measures over the reporting period and the value-at-risk measure as per the end of the period;
a comparison of the daily end-of-day value-at-risk measures to the one-day changes of the portfolio’s value by the end of the subsequent business day together with an analysis of any important overshootings during the reporting period.’;
In Annex XII, Part 3, point 3 is replaced by the following:
1.Member States shall adopt and publish, by 31 October 2010 at the latest, the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table between those provisions and this Directive.
They shall apply those provisions from 31 December 2010.
When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.
2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 27 July 2009.
For the Commission
Charlie McCreevy
Member of the Commission