The veterinary medicinal product, which is the subject of the application, shall be identified by its name and by the name of the active substance(s), together with the strength, the pharmaceutical form, the route and method of administration (see Article 12(3)(f) of Directive) and a description of the final presentation of the product, including packaging, labelling and package leaflet (see Article 12(3)(l) of Directive).
The name and address of the applicant shall be given, together with the name and address of the manufacturers and the sites involved in the different stages of the manufacture, testing and release (including the manufacturer of the finished product and the manufacturer(s) of the active substance(s)), and where relevant the name and address of the importer.
The applicant shall identify the number and titles of volumes of documentation submitted in support of the application and indicate what samples, if any, are also provided.
Annexed to the administrative information shall be a document showing that the manufacturer is authorised to produce the veterinary medicinal products concerned, as defined in Article 44, together with a list of countries in which authorisation has been granted, copies of all the summaries of product characteristics in accordance with Article 14 as approved by Member States and a list of countries in which an application has been submitted or refused.”