any change that substantially alters the dimensions of a ship,
example: lengthening by adding new midbody,
any change that substantially alters the passenger-carrying capacity of a ship,
example: vehicle deck converted to passenger accommodation,
any change that substantially increases a ship’s service life,
example: renewal of passenger accommodation on one entire deck.
Chapter II-1: Part A-1, references are made to SOLAS including 2006 amendments.
Chapter II-1: Part A and B, references are made to SOLAS including 96/98 amendments.
Chapter II-2: Part A, Regulations 1 and 2, references are made to SOLAS including 1999/2000 amendments. Regulation 1.3, reference is made to Part F (Alternative design and arrangements) of the revised Chapter II-2 (2000 Amendments) of SOLAS 1974, for new ships constructed on or after 1 January 2003. Chapter II-2: Part A, Regulations 3 – 16 and Part B, Regulations 1 – 18, references are made to SOLAS including 96/98 amendments.
Chapter III: References are made to SOLAS 96/98 amendments and 2001 - 2003 amendments.
Chapter II-1/A-1, Regulation 1,
Chapter II-1/B, Regulations 1, 23 and 24,
Chapter II-1/C, Regulations 1, 3, and 16,
Chapter II-2/A, Regulations 4, 9 and 12, and
Chapter II-2/B, Regulation 6
Chapter II-1/B, Regulations 17-2 and 20,”