Commission Directive 2010/43/EUShow full title

Commission Directive 2010/43/EU of 1 July 2010 implementing Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements, conflicts of interest, conduct of business, risk management and content of the agreement between a depositary and a management company (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 11Permanent internal audit function

1.Member States shall require management companies, where appropriate and proportionate in view of the nature, scale and complexity of their business and the nature and range of collective portfolio management activities undertaken in the course of that business, to establish and maintain an internal audit function which is separate and independent from the other functions and activities of the management company.

2.The internal audit function referred to in paragraph 1 shall have the following responsibilities:

(a)to establish, implement and maintain an audit plan to examine and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the management company’s systems, internal control mechanisms and arrangements;

(b)to issue recommendations based on the result of work carried out in accordance with point (a);

(c)to verify compliance with the recommendations referred to in point (b);

(d)to report in relation to internal audit matters in accordance with Article 9(4).