

Article 1Subject matter

This Directive lays down detailed rules for the implementation of Article 43(5), Article 60(6)(a) and (c), Articles 61(3) and 62(4), Article 64(4)(a) and Article 95(1) of Directive 2009/65/EC.

Article 2Definitions

For the purpose of this Directive the following definitions shall apply:


‘rebalancing of the portfolio’ means a significant modification of the composition of the portfolio of a UCITS;


‘synthetic risk and reward indicators’ means synthetic indicators within the meaning of Article 8 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 583/2010 of 1 July 2010 implementing Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards key investor information and conditions to be met when providing key investor information or the prospectus in a durable medium other than paper or by means of a website(1).


See page 1 of this Official Journal.