In Annex I to Directive 98/8/EC, the following entry for the substance N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide is added:


Common Name

IUPAC NameIdentification Numbers

Minimum purity of the active substance in the biocidal product as placed on the market

Date of inclusion

Deadline for compliance with Article 16(3)(except for products containing more than one active substance, for which the deadline to comply with Article 16(3) shall be the one set out in the last of the inclusion decisions relating to its active substances)

Expiry date of inclusion

Product type

Specific provisions3




EC No: 205-149-7

CAS No: 134-62-3

970 g/kg

1 August 2012

31 July 2014

31 July 2022


Member States shall ensure that authorisations are subject to the following conditions:

  1. 1.

    primary exposure of humans shall be minimized by considering and applying appropriate risk mitigation measures, including, where applicable, instructions for the amount and frequency of application of the product on human skin;

  2. 2.

    labels on products intended for application on human skin, hair or clothing shall indicate that the product is intended only for restricted use on children between two and twelve years old, and that it is not intended for use on children less than two years old, unless it can be demonstrated in the application for product authorisation that the product will meet the requirements of Article 5 and Annex VI without such measures;

  3. 3.

    products must contain deterrents for ingestion.’

For the implementation of the common principles of Annex VI, the content and conclusions of assessment reports are available on the Commission website: