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Article 2U.K.Preservation mixtures

1.By way of derogation from Article 3(1) and (2) of Directive 66/401/EEC, Member States may authorise marketing of mixtures of various genera, species and, where relevant, subspecies, intended for use in the preservation of the natural environment in the context of the conservation of genetic resources referred to in Article 22a(1)(b) of that Directive.

Such mixtures may contain seed of fodder plants covered by Directive 66/401/EEC and, in addition, seed of plants which are not fodder plants within the meaning of that Directive.

Such mixtures are hereinafter referred to as ‘preservation mixtures’.

2.Where a preservation mixture contains a conservation variety, Directive 2008/62/EC shall apply.

3.Unless otherwise provided in this Directive, Directive 66/401/EEC shall apply.