1.Authorisation shall be granted on application by the producer.
The application shall be accompanied by the information necessary to verify compliance with Articles 4 and 5 in the case of directly harvested preservation mixtures or with Articles 4 and 6 in the case of crop-grown preservation mixtures.
2.As regards directly harvested preservation mixtures, the Member State in which the collection site is located shall carry out visual inspections.
Those visual inspections shall be carried out on the collection site during the period of growth at intervals appropriate to ensure that the mixture complies, at least, with the authorisation requirements provided for in Article 5(2) and (4).
The Member State that carried out the visual inspections shall document the results thereof.
3.As regards crop-grown preservation mixtures, when a Member State examines an application, it shall carry out tests or tests shall be carried out under official supervision of the Member State to check that the preservation mixture complies, at least, with the authorisation requirements provided for in Article 6(2) and (3).
Such tests shall be carried out in accordance with current international methods, or, where such methods do not exist, in accordance with any appropriate methods.
For those tests the Member State concerned shall ensure that samples are drawn from homogenous lots. It shall ensure that the rules on lot weight and sample weight provided for in Article 7(2) of Directive 66/401/EEC are applied.