Article 47U.K.Alternative approaches
1.The Commission and the Member States shall contribute to the development and validation of alternative approaches which could provide the same or higher levels of information as those obtained in procedures using animals, but which do not involve the use of animals or use fewer animals or which entail less painful procedures, and they shall take such other steps as they consider appropriate to encourage research in this field.
2.Member States shall assist the Commission in identifying and nominating suitable specialised and qualified laboratories to carry out such validation studies.
3.After consulting the Member States, the Commission shall set the priorities for those validation studies and allocate the tasks between the laboratories for carrying out those studies.
4.Member States shall, at national level, ensure the promotion of alternative approaches and the dissemination of information thereon.
5.Member States shall nominate a single point of contact to provide advice on the regulatory relevance and suitability of alternative approaches proposed for validation.
6.The Commission shall take appropriate action with a view to obtaining international acceptance of alternative approaches validated in the Union.