ANNEX VTechnical provisions relating to combustion plants

PART 2Emission limit values for combustion plants referred to in Article 30(3)

6.Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for NOx and CO for gas fired combustion plants


For single cycle gas turbines having an efficiency greater than 35 % – determined at ISO base load conditions – the emission limit value for NOx shall be 50xη/35 where η is the gas turbine efficiency at ISO base load conditions expressed as a percentage.

Combustion plants other than gas turbines and gas engines100100
Gas turbines (including CCGT)50a100
Gas engines75100

For gas turbines (including CCGT), the NOx and CO emission limit values set out in this point apply only above 70 % load.

Gas turbines and gas engines for emergency use that operate less than 500 operating hours per year are not covered by the emission limit values set out in this point. The operator of such plants shall record the used operating hours.