ANNEX VIIITechnical provisions relating to installations producing titanium dioxide

PART 1Emission limit values for emissions into water


In case of installations using the sulphate process (as an annual average):

550 kg of sulphate per tonne of titanium dioxide produced.


In case of installations using the chloride process (as an annual average):

  1. (a)

    130 kg chloride per tonne of titanium dioxide produced using neutral rutile,

  2. (b)

    228 kg chloride per tonne of titanium dioxide produced using synthetic rutile,

  3. (c)

    330 kg chloride per tonne of titanium dioxide produced using slag. Installations discharging into salt water (estuarine, coastal, open sea) may be subject to an emission limit value of 450 kg chloride per tonne of titanium dioxide produced using slag.


For installations using the chloride process and using more than one type of ore, the emission limit values in point 2 shall apply in proportion to the quantity of the ores used.

PART 2Emission limit values into air


The emission limit values which are expressed as concentrations in mass per cubic meter (Nm3) shall be calculated at a temperature of 273,15 K, and a pressure of 101,3 kPa.


For dust: 50 mg/Nm3 as an hourly average from major sources and 150 mg/Nm3 as an hourly average from any other source.


For gaseous sulphur dioxide and trioxide discharged from digestion and calcination, including acid droplets calculated as SO2 equivalent:

  1. (a)

    6 kg per tonne of titanium dioxide produced as an annual average;

  2. (b)

    500 mg/Nm3 as an hourly average for plants for the concentration of waste acid.


For chlorine in the case of installations using the chloride process:

  1. (a)

    5 mg/Nm3 as a daily average;

  2. (b)

    40 mg/Nm3 at any time.

PART 3Emission monitoring

The monitoring of emissions into air shall include at least the continuous monitoring of:

  1. (a)

    gaseous sulphur dioxide and trioxide discharged from digestion and calcination from plants for the concentration of waste acid in installations using the sulphate process;

  2. (b)

    chlorine from major sources within installations using the chloride process;

  3. (c)

    dust from major sources.