Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC (Text with EEA relevance)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.Subject matter

  3. Article 2.Scope

  4. Article 3.Definitions

  5. Article 4.Assessment of major-accident hazards for a particular dangerous substance

  6. Article 5.General obligations of the operator

  7. Article 6.Competent authority

  8. Article 7.Notification

  9. Article 8.Major-accident prevention policy

  10. Article 9.Domino effects

  11. Article 10.Safety report

  12. Article 11.Modification of an installation, an establishment or a storage facility

  13. Article 12.Emergency plans

  14. Article 13.Land-use planning

  15. Article 14.Information to the public

  16. Article 15.Public consultation and participation in decision-making

  17. Article 16.Information to be supplied by the operator and actions to be taken following a major accident

  18. Article 17.Action to be taken by the competent authority following a major accident

  19. Article 18.Information to be supplied by the Member States following a major accident

  20. Article 19.Prohibition of use

  21. Article 20.Inspections

  22. Article 21.Information system and exchanges

  23. Article 22.Access to information and confidentiality

  24. Article 23.Access to justice

  25. Article 24.Guidance

  26. Article 25.Amendment of Annexes

  27. Article 26.Exercise of the delegation

  28. Article 27.Committee procedure

  29. Article 28.Penalties

  30. Article 29.Reporting and review

  31. Article 30.Amendment of Directive 96/82/EC

  32. Article 31.Transposition

  33. Article 32.Repeal

  34. Article 33.Entry into force

  35. Article 34.Addressees

  36. Signature


      1. Annex I Dangerous substances Annex II Minimum data and information...

    2. ANNEX I


      1. Dangerous substances covered by the hazard categories listed in Column...

      2. Where a dangerous substance is covered by Part 1 of...

      3. PART 1 Categories of dangerous substances

      4. PART 2 Named dangerous substances


        1. 1. Substances and mixtures are classified in accordance with Regulation (EC)...

        2. 2. Mixtures shall be treated in the same way as pure...

        3. 3. The qualifying quantities set out above relate to each establishment....

        4. 4. The following rules governing the addition of dangerous substances, or...

        5. 5. In the case of dangerous substances which are not covered...

        6. 6. In the case of dangerous substances with properties giving rise...

        7. 7. Dangerous substances that fall within Acute Toxic Category 3 via...

        8. 8. The hazard class Explosives includes explosive articles (see Section 2.1...

        9. 9. Testing for explosive properties of substances and mixtures is only...

        10. 10. If Explosives of Division 1.4 are unpacked or repacked, they...

        11. 11.1. Flammable aerosols are classified in accordance with the Council Directive...

        12. 11.2. In order to use this entry, it must be documented...

        13. 12. According to paragraph in Annex I to Regulation (EC)...

        14. 13. Ammonium nitrate (5 000 / 10 000): fertilisers capable of...

        15. 14. Ammonium nitrate (1 250 / 5 000): fertiliser grade

        16. 15. Ammonium nitrate (350 / 2 500): technical grade

        17. 16. Ammonium nitrate (10 / 50): ‘off-specs’ material and fertilisers not...

        18. 17. Potassium nitrate (5 000 / 10 000)

        19. 18. Potassium nitrate (1 250 / 5 000)

        20. 19. Upgraded biogas

        21. 20. Polychlorodibenzofurans and polychlorodibenzodioxins

        22. 21. In cases where this dangerous substance falls within category P5a...

    3. ANNEX II

      Minimum data and information to be considered in the safety report referred to in Article 10

      1. 1. Information on the management system and on the organisation of...

      2. 2. Presentation of the environment of the establishment:

      3. 3. Description of the installation:

      4. 4. Identification and accidental risks analysis and prevention methods:

      5. 5. Measures of protection and intervention to limit the consequences of...

    4. ANNEX III

      Information referred to in Article 8(5) and Article 10 on the safety management system and the organisation of the establishment with a view to the prevention of major accidents

      1. For the purpose of implementing the operator’s safety management system,...

      2. the safety management system shall be proportionate to the hazards,...

    5. ANNEX IV

      Data and information to be included in the emergency plans referred to in Article 12

      1. 1. Internal emergency plans:

      2. 2. External emergency plans:

    6. ANNEX V

      Items of information to the public as provided for in Article 14(1) and in point (a) of Article 14(2)

      1. PART 1

      2. PART 2

    7. ANNEX VI

      Criteria for the notification of a major accident to the Commission as provided for in Article 18(1)

      1. I. Any major accident covered by paragraph 1 or having at...

        1. 1. Dangerous substances involved

        2. 2. Injury to persons and damage to real estate:

        3. 3. Immediate damage to the environment:

        4. 4. Damage to property:

        5. 5. Cross-border damage

      2. II. Accidents or ‘near misses’ which Member States regard as being...

    8. ANNEX VII