Commission Implementing Directive 2012/25/EUShow full title

Commission Implementing Directive 2012/25/EU of 9 October 2012 laying down information procedures for the exchange, between Member States, of human organs intended for transplantation (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 7Reporting of serious adverse events and reactions

Member States shall ensure that the following procedure is implemented by their competent authorities or delegated bodies:


Whenever the competent authority or delegated body of the Member State of destination is notified of a serious adverse event or reaction that it suspects to relate to an organ that was received from another Member State, it shall immediately inform the competent authority or delegated body of the Member State of origin and transmit without undue delay to that competent authority or delegated body an initial report containing the information set out in Annex I, in so far as this information is available.


The competent authority or delegated body of the Member State of origin shall immediately inform the competent authorities or delegated bodies of each concerned Member State of destination and transmit them each an initial report containing the information set out in Annex I, whenever it is notified of a serious adverse event or reaction that it suspects to be related to a donor whose organs were also sent to other Member States.


When additional information becomes available following the initial report, it shall be transmitted without undue delay.


The competent authority or delegated body of the Member State of origin shall, as a rule within three months of the initial report transmitted pursuant to point (a) or (b), transmit to the competent authorities or delegated bodies of all Member States of destination, a common final report containing the information set out in Annex II. The competent authorities or delegated bodies of the Member States of destination shall provide relevant information in a timely manner to the competent authority or delegated body of the Member State of origin. The final report shall be drawn up after collecting relevant information from all Member States involved.