Railway infrastructure consists of the following items, provided they form part of the permanent way, including sidings, but excluding lines situated within railway repair workshops, depots or locomotive sheds, and private branch lines or sidings:

  • Ground area,

  • Track and track bed, in particular embankments, cuttings, drainage channels and trenches, masonry trenches, culverts, lining walls, planting for protecting side slopes, etc.; passenger and goods platforms, including in passenger stations and freight terminals; four-foot way and walkways; enclosure walls, hedges, fencing; fire protection strips; apparatus for heating points; crossings etc.; snow protection screens,

  • Engineering structures: bridges, culverts and other overpasses, tunnels, covered cuttings and other underpasses; retaining walls, structures for protection against avalanches, falling stones, etc.,

  • Level crossings, including appliances to ensure the safety of road traffic,

  • Superstructure, in particular: rails, grooved rails and check rails; sleepers and longitudinal ties, small fittings for the permanent way, ballast including stone chippings and sand; points, crossings, etc.; turntables and traverses (except those reserved exclusively for locomotives),

  • Access way for passengers and goods, including access by road and access for passengers arriving or departing on foot,

  • Safety, signalling and telecommunications installations on the open track, in stations and in marshalling yards, including plant for generating, transforming and distributing electric current for signalling and telecommunications; buildings for such installations or plant; track brakes,

  • Lighting installations for traffic and safety purposes,

  • Plant for transforming and carrying electric power for train haulage: substations, supply cables between substations and contact wires, catenaries and supports; third rail with supports,

  • Buildings used by the infrastructure department, including a proportion of installations for the collection of transport charges.