Article 1
Directive 2008/43/EC is amended as follows:
- (1)
in Article 2, the following points (d), (e) and (f) are added:
- ‘(d)
fuses, which are cord-like non-detonating igniting devices;
- (e)
safety fuses, which consist of a core of fine grained black powder surrounded by a flexible woven fabric with one or more protective outer coverings and which, when ignited, burn at a predetermined rate without any external explosive effect;
- (f)
cap-type primers, which consist of a metal or plastic cap containing a small amount of primary explosive mixture that is readily ignited by impact and which serve as igniting elements in small arms cartridges or in percussion primers for propelling charges.’;
- ‘(d)
- (2)
Article 7 is replaced by the following:
‘Article 7Plain detonators
For plain detonators the unique identification shall consist of an adhesive label or direct printing or stamping on the detonator shell. An associated label shall be placed on each case of detonators.
In addition, undertakings may use a passive inert electronic tag attached to each detonator, and an associated tag for each case of detonators.’;
- (3)
Articles 9 and 10 are replaced by the following:
‘Article 9Primers and boosters
For primers other than those referred to in Article 2 and for boosters the unique identification shall consist of an adhesive label or direct printing on such primers and boosters. An associated label shall be placed on each case of such primers and boosters.
In addition, undertakings may use a passive inert electronic tag attached to each such primer and booster, and an associated tag for each case of such primers and boosters.
Article 10Detonating cords
For detonating cords the unique identification shall consist of an adhesive label or direct printing on the bobbin. The unique identification will be marked every 5 meters on either the external envelope of the cord or the plastic extruded inner layer immediately under the exterior fibre of the cord. An associated label shall be placed on each case of detonating cord.
In addition, undertakings may use a passive inert electronic tag inserted within the cord, and an associated tag for each case of cord.’;
- (4)
the second subparagraph of Article 15(1) is replaced by the following:
‘They shall apply those provisions from 5 April 2013. However, they shall apply the provisions necessary to comply with Article 3(6) and Articles 13 and 14 from 5 April 2015.’;
- (5)
the following Article 15a is inserted:
‘Article 15a
By 31 December 2020, the Commission shall carry out a review to assess whether technical progress has made it possible to revoke the exemptions set out in point 3 of the Annex.’;
- (6)
in point 3 of the Annex, the following paragraphs are added:
‘For articles too small to affix the information under point 1(b)(i) and (ii) and point 2 or where it is technically impossible due to their shape or design to affix a unique identification, a unique identification shall be affixed on each smallest packaging unit.
Each smallest packaging unit shall be closed with a seal.
Each plain detonator or booster falling under the exemption set out in the second paragraph shall be marked in a durable way so as to ensure that it is clearly legible with the information under point 1(b)(i) and (ii). The number of plain detonators and boosters contained shall be printed on the smallest packaging unit.
Each detonating cord falling under the exemption set out in the second paragraph shall be marked with the unique identification on the reel or spool and, where applicable, on the smallest packaging unit.’.