

In Annex VII to Directive 97/68/EC Appendix 1 is replaced by the following:

‘Appendix 1 Test report for compression ignition engines test results (1)

Information concerning the test engine

Engine type: …

Engine identification number: …

1.Information concerning the conduct of the test: …
1.1.Reference fuel used for test
1.1.1.Cetane number: …
1.1.2.Sulphur content: …
1.1.3.Density: …
1.2.1.Make(s): …
1.2.2.Type(s): …

(state percentage of oil in mixture if lubricant and fuel are mixed)

1.3.Engine driven equipment (if applicable)
1.3.1.Enumeration and identifying details: …
1.3.2.Power absorbed at indicated engine speeds (as specified by the manufacturer):

Delete as appropriate.


Shall not be greater than 10 per cent of the power measured during the test.


Insert values at engine speed corresponding to 100 % normalised speed if NRSC test uses this speed.

Power PAE (kW) absorbed at various engine speedsa b, taking into account Appendix 3 to this Annex
EquipmentIntermediate speed(if applicable)Maximum power speed(if different from rated)Rated speedc
1.4.Engine performance
1.4.1.Engine speeds:

Idle: … min–1

Intermediate: … min–1

Maximum power: … min–1

Rated(2): … min–1

1.4.2.Engine power(3)

Replace with values at engine speed corresponding to 100 % normalised speed if NRSC test uses this speed.

Power setting (kW) at various engine speeds
ConditionIntermediate speed(if applicable)Maximum power speed(if different from rated)Rated speeda
Maximum power measured at specified test speed (PM) (kW) (a)
Total power absorbed by engine driven equipment as per paragraph 1.3.2 of this Appendix taking into account Appendix 3 (kW) (b)
Net engine power as specified in Section 2.4 of Annex I (kW) (c)
2.Information concerning the conduct of the NRSC test:
2.1.Dynamometer setting (kW)

Replace with values at engine speed corresponding to 100 % normalised speed if NRSC test uses this speed.

Dynamometer setting (kW) at various engine speeds
Per cent loadIntermediate speed(if applicable)63 %(if applicable)80 %(if applicable)91 %(if applicable)Rated speeda


(if applicable)


(if applicable)



(if applicable)

2.2.Emission results of the engine/parent engine(4)

Deterioration Factor (DF): calculated/fixed(4)

Specify the DF values and the emission results in the following table(4):

NRSC test



EmissionsCO(g/kWh)HC(g/kWh)NOx(g/kWh)HC + NOx(g/kWh)PM(g/kWh)CO2(g/kWh)
Test result
Final test result with DF
Additional control area test points (if applicable)
Emissions at test pointEngine speedLoad(%)CO(g/kWh)HC(g/kWh)NOx(g/kWh)PM(g/kWh)
Test result 1
Test result 2
Test result 3
2.3.Sampling system used for the NRSC test:
2.3.1.Gaseous emissions(5): …
2.3.2.PM(5): … single/multiple filter
3.Information concerning the conduct of the NRTC test (if applicable):
3.1.Emission results of the engine/parent engine(6)

Deterioration Factor (DF): calculated/fixeda

Specify the DF values and the emission results in the following tablea:

Regeneration related data may be reported for Stage IV engines.


Delete as appropriate.

NRTC test



EmissionsCO(g/kWh)HC(g/kWh)NOx(g/kWh)HC + NOx(g/kWh)PM(g/kWh)
Cold start
EmissionsCO(g/kWh)HC(g/kWh)NOx(g/kWh)HC + NOx(g/kWh)PM(g/kWh)CO2(g/kWh)
Hot start w/o regeneration
Hot start with regenerationa





Weighted test result
Final test result with DF

Cycle work for hot start w/o regeneration kWh

3.2.Sampling system used for the NRTC test:

Gaseous emissions(7): …

PM(7): …

Method(8): single/multiple filter


For the case of several parent engines, the following is to be indicated for each of them.


Insert engine speed corresponding to 100 % normalised speed if NRSC test uses this speed.


Uncorrected power measured in accordance with Section 2.4 of Annex I.


Delete as appropriate.


Indicate figure number of system used as defined in Annex VI Section 1 or Section 9 of Annex 4B of ECE R96 03 series of amendments, as applicable.


Delete as appropriate.


Indicate figure number of system used as defined in Annex VI Section 1 or Section 9 of Annex 4B of ECE R96 03 series of amendments, as applicable.


Delete as appropriate.’