Article 10U.K.Tasks of the European Maritime Safety Agency
1.The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA, hereinafter ‘Agency’) shall provide the Member States and Commission with technical and scientific assistance in accordance with its mandate under Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002.
2.Within the framework of its mandate, the Agency shall:
(a)assist the Commission and the affected Member State, on its request, in detecting and monitoring the extent of an oil or gas spill;
(b)assist Member States, at their request, with the preparation and execution of external emergency response plans, especially when there are transboundary impacts within and beyond offshore waters of Member States;
(c)on the basis of the Member States’ external and internal emergency response plans, develop with Member States and operators a catalogue of emergency equipment and services available.
3.The Agency may, if requested:
(a)assist the Commission in assessing the external emergency response plans of Member States to check whether the plans are in conformity with this Directive;
(b)review exercises that focus on testing transboundary and Union emergency mechanisms.