Article 32Transboundary emergency preparedness and response of Member States without offshore oil and gas operations under their jurisdiction
1.Member States without offshore oil and gas operations under their jurisdiction shall appoint a contact point in order to exchange information with relevant adjacent Member States.
2.Member States without offshore oil and gas operations under their jurisdiction shall apply Article 29(4) and (7) so as to ensure that adequate response capacity is in place in the event that they are affected by a major accident.
3.Member States without offshore oil and gas operations under their jurisdiction shall coordinate their national contingency planning in the marine environment with other relevant Member States to the extent necessary to ensure the most effective response to a major accident.
4.Where a Member State without offshore oil and gas operations under its jurisdiction is affected by a major accident, it shall:
(a)take all suitable measures, in line with the national contingency planning referred to in paragraph 3;
(b)ensure that any information which is under its control and available within its jurisdiction and which may be relevant for a full investigation of the major accident is provided or made accessible on request to the Member State conducting the investigation pursuant to Article 26.