Article 19Major accident prevention by operators and owners


Member States shall require operators and owners to prepare a document setting out their corporate major accident prevention policy which is to be submitted pursuant to point (a) of Article 11(1), and to ensure that it is implemented throughout their offshore oil and gas operations, including by setting up appropriate monitoring arrangements to assure effectiveness of the policy. The document shall contain the information specified in Annex I, Part 8.


The corporate major accident prevention policy shall take account of the operators’ primary responsibility for, inter alia, the control of risks of a major accident that are a result of its operations and for continuously improving control of those risks so as to ensure a high level of protection at all times.


Member States shall ensure that operators and owners prepare a document setting out their safety and environmental management system which is to be submitted pursuant to point (b) of Article 11(1). That document shall include a description of the:


organisational arrangements for control of major hazards;


arrangements for preparing and submitting reports on major hazards, and other documents as appropriate, pursuant to this Directive; and


schemes for independent verification established pursuant to Article 17.


Member States shall create opportunities for operators and owners to contribute to mechanisms for effective tripartite consultation established pursuant to Article 6(8). When appropriate, an operator’s and owner’s commitment to such mechanisms may be outlined in the corporate major accident prevention policy.


The corporate major accident prevention policy and the safety and environmental management systems shall be prepared in accordance with Annex I, Parts 8 and 9 and Annex IV. The following conditions shall apply:


the corporate major accident prevention policy shall be in writing and shall establish the overall aims and arrangements for controlling the risk of a major accident, and how those aims are to be achieved and arrangements put into effect at corporate level;


the safety and environmental management system shall be integrated within the overall management system of the operator or owner and shall include organisational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for determining and implementing the corporate major accident prevention policy.


Member States shall ensure that operators and owners prepare and maintain a complete inventory of emergency response equipment pertinent to their offshore oil and gas operation.


Member States shall ensure that operators and, owners in consultation with the competent authority and making use of the exchanges of knowledge, information and experience provided for in Article 27(1), prepare and revise standards and guidance on best practice in relation to the control of major hazards throughout the design and operational lifecycle of offshore oil and gas operations, and that as a minimum they follow the outline in Annex VI.


Member States shall require operators and owners to ensure that their corporate major accident prevention policy document referred to in paragraph 1 also covers their production and non-production installations outside of the Union.


Where an activity carried out by an operator or an owner poses an immediate danger to human health or significantly increases the risk of a major accident, Member States shall ensure that the operator or the owner takes suitable measures which may include, if deemed necessary, suspending the relevant activity until the danger or risk is adequately controlled. Member States shall ensure that where such measures are taken, the operator or the owner notifies the competent authority accordingly without delay and no later than 24 hours after taking those measures.


Member States shall ensure that, where appropriate, operators and owners take suitable measures to use suitable technical means or procedures in order to promote the reliability of the collection and recording of relevant data and to prevent possible manipulation thereof.

Article 20Offshore oil and gas operations conducted outside the Union


Member States shall require companies registered in their territory and conducting, themselves or through subsidiaries, offshore oil and gas operations outside the Union as licence holders or operators to report to them, on request, the circumstances of any major accident in which they have been involved.


In the request for a report pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, the relevant Member State shall specify the details of the information required. Such reports shall be exchanged in accordance with Article 27(1). Member States which have neither a competent authority nor a contact point shall submit the reports received to the Commission.

Article 21Securing compliance with the regulatory framework for major accident prevention


Member States shall ensure that operators and owners comply with the measures established in the report on major hazards and in the plans referred to in the notification of well operations and notification of combined operations, submitted pursuant to points (e), (h) and (i) of Article 11(1) respectively.


Member States shall ensure that operators and owners provide the competent authority, or any other persons acting under the direction of the competent authority, with transport to or from an installation or vessel associated with oil and gas operations, including the conveyance of their equipment, at any reasonable time, and with accommodation, meals and other subsistence in connection with the visits to the installations, for the purpose of facilitating competent authority oversight, including inspections, investigations and enforcement of compliance with this Directive.


Member States shall ensure that the competent authority develops annual plans for effective oversight, including inspections, of major hazards based on risk management and with particular regard to compliance with the report on major hazards and other documents submitted pursuant to Article 11. The effectiveness of the plans shall be regularly reviewed and the competent authority shall take any necessary measures to improve them.

Article 22Confidential reporting of safety concerns


Member States shall ensure that the competent authority establishes mechanisms:


for confidential reporting of safety and environmental concerns relating to offshore oil and gas operations from any source; and


for investigation of such reports while maintaining the anonymity of the individuals concerned.


Member States shall require operators and owners to communicate details of the national arrangements for the mechanisms referred to in paragraph 1 to their employees and contractors connected with the operation and their employees, and to ensure that reference to confidential reporting is included in relevant training and notices.