Article 18Additional disclosures for large undertakings and public-interest entities


In the notes to the financial statements, large undertakings and public-interest entities shall, in addition to the information required under Articles 16 and 17 and any other provisions of this Directive, disclose information in respect of the following matters:


the net turnover broken down by categories of activity and into geographical markets, in so far as those categories and markets differ substantially from one another, taking account of the manner in which the sale of products and the provision of services are organised; and


the total fees for the financial year charged by each statutory auditor or audit firm for the statutory audit of the annual financial statements, and the total fees charged by each statutory auditor or audit firm for other assurance services, for tax advisory services and for other non-audit services.


Member States may allow the information referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1to be omitted where the disclosure of that information would be seriously prejudicial to the undertaking. Member States may make such omissions subject to prior administrative or judicial authorisation. Any such omission shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.


Member States may provide that point (b) of paragraph 1 is not to apply to the annual financial statements of an undertaking where that undertaking is included within the consolidated financial statements required to be drawn up under Article 22, provided that such information is given in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.