Article 24The preparation of consolidated financial statements

1.Chapters 2 and 3 shall apply in respect of consolidated financial statements, taking into account the essential adjustments resulting from the particular characteristics of consolidated financial statements as compared to annual financial statements.

2.The assets and liabilities of undertakings included in a consolidation shall be incorporated in full in the consolidated balance sheet.

3.The book values of shares in the capital of undertakings included in a consolidation shall be set off against the proportion which they represent of the capital and reserves of those undertakings in accordance with the following:

(a)except in the case of shares in the capital of the parent undertaking held either by that undertaking itself or by another undertaking included in the consolidation, which shall be treated as own shares in accordance with Chapter 3, that set-off shall be effected on the basis of book values as they stand on the date on which those undertakings are included in a consolidation for the first time. Differences arising from that set-off shall, as far as possible, be entered directly against those items in the consolidated balance sheet which have values above or below their book values;

(b)a Member State may permit or require set-offs on the basis of the values of identifiable assets and liabilities as at the date of acquisition of the shares or, in the event of acquisition in two or more stages, as at the date on which the undertaking became a subsidiary;

(c)any difference remaining after the application of point (a) or resulting from the application of point (b) shall be shown as goodwill in the consolidated balance sheet;

(d)the methods used to calculate the value of goodwill and any significant changes in value in relation to the preceding financial year shall be explained in the notes to the financial statements;

(e)where the offsetting of positive and negative goodwill is authorised by a Member State, the notes to the financial statements shall include an analysis of the goodwill;

(f)negative goodwill may be transferred to the consolidated profit and loss account where such a treatment is in accordance with the principles set out in Chapter 2.

4.Where shares in subsidiary undertakings included in the consolidation are held by persons other than those undertakings, the amount attributable to those shares shall be shown separately in the consolidated balance sheet as non-controlling interests.

5.The income and expenditure of undertakings included in a consolidation shall be incorporated in full in the consolidated profit and loss account.

6.The amount of any profit or loss attributable to the shares referred to in paragraph 4 shall be shown separately in the consolidated profit and loss account as the profit or loss attributable to non-controlling interests.

7.Consolidated financial statements shall show the assets, liabilities, financial positions, profits or losses of the undertakings included in a consolidation as if they were a single undertaking. In particular, the following shall be eliminated from the consolidated financial statements:

(a)debts and claims between the undertakings;

(b)income and expenditure relating to transactions between the undertakings; and

(c)profits and losses resulting from transactions between the undertakings, where they are included in the book values of assets.

8.Consolidated financial statements shall be drawn up as at the same date as the annual financial statements of the parent undertaking.

A Member State may, however, permit or require consolidated financial statements to be drawn up as at another date in order to take account of the balance sheet dates of the largest number or the most important of the undertakings included in the consolidation, provided that:

(a)that fact shall be disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements and reasons given;

(b)account shall be taken, or disclosure made, of important events concerning the assets and liabilities, the financial position and the profit or loss of an undertaking included in a consolidation which have occurred between that undertaking's balance sheet date and the consolidated balance sheet date; and

(c)where an undertaking's balance sheet date precedes or follows the consolidated balance sheet date by more than three months, that undertaking shall be consolidated on the basis of interim financial statements drawn up as at the consolidated balance sheet date.

9.If the composition of the undertakings included in a consolidation has changed significantly in the course of a financial year, the consolidated financial statements shall include information which makes the comparison of successive sets of consolidated financial statements meaningful. This obligation may be fulfilled by the preparation of an adjusted comparative balance sheet and an adjusted comparative profit and loss account.

10.Assets and liabilities included in consolidated financial statements shall be measured on a uniform basis and in accordance with Chapter 2.

11.An undertaking which draws up consolidated financial statements shall apply the same measurement bases as are applied in its annual financial statements. However, Member States may permit or require that other measurement bases in accordance with Chapter 2 be used in consolidated financial statements. Where use is made of this derogation, that fact shall be disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements and reasons given.

12.Where assets and liabilities included in consolidated financial statements have been measured by undertakings included in the consolidation using bases differing from those used for the purposes of the consolidation, those assets and liabilities shall be re-measured in accordance with the bases used for the consolidation. Departures from this requirement shall be permitted in exceptional cases. Any such departures shall be disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements and reasons given.

13.Deferred tax balances shall be recognised on consolidation provided that it is probable that a charge to tax will arise within the foreseeable future for one of the undertakings included in the consolidation.

14.Where assets included in consolidated financial statements have been the subject of value adjustments solely for tax purposes, they shall be incorporated in the consolidated financial statements only after those adjustments have been eliminated.