• Electric field strength (E) is a vector quantity that corresponds to the force exerted on a charged particle regardless of its motion in space. It is expressed in volt per metre (Vm–1). A distinction has to be made between the environmental electric field and the electric field present in the body (in situ) as a result of exposure to the environmental electric field.

  • Limb current (IL) is the current in the limbs of a person exposed to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 110 MHz as a result of contact with an object in an electromagnetic field or the flow of capacitive currents induced in the exposed body. It is expressed in ampere (A).

  • Contact current (IC) is a current that appears when a person comes into contact with an object in an electromagnetic field. It is expressed in ampere (A). A steady state contact current occurs when a person is in continuous contact with an object in an electromagnetic field. In the process of making such contact, a spark discharge may occur with associated transient currents.

  • Electric charge (Q) is an appropriate quantity used for spark discharge and is expressed in coulomb (C).

  • Magnetic field strength (H) is a vector quantity that, together with the magnetic flux density, specifies a magnetic field at any point in space. It is expressed in ampere per metre (Am–1).

  • Magnetic flux density (B) is a vector quantity resulting in a force that acts on moving charges, expressed in tesla (T). In free space and in biological materials, magnetic flux density and magnetic field strength can be interchanged using the magnetic field strength of H = 1 Am–1 equivalence to magnetic flux density of B = 4π 10–7math T (approximately 1,25 microtesla).
  • Power density (S) is an appropriate quantity used for very high frequencies, where the depth of penetration in the body is low. It is the radiant power incident perpendicular to a surface, divided by the area of the surface. It is expressed in watt per square metre (Wm–2).

  • Specific energy absorption (SA) is an energy absorbed per unit mass of biological tissue, expressed in joule per kilogram (Jkg–1). In this Directive, it is used for establishing limits for effects from pulsed microwave radiation.

  • Specific energy absorption rate (SAR), averaged over the whole body or over parts of the body, is the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass of body tissue and is expressed in watt per kilogram (Wkg–1). Whole-body SAR is a widely accepted quantity for relating adverse thermal effects to radio frequency (RF) exposure. Besides the whole-body average SAR, local SAR values are necessary to evaluate and limit excessive energy deposition in small parts of the body resulting from special exposure conditions. Examples of such conditions include: an individual exposed to RF in the low MHz range (e.g. from dielectric heaters) and individuals exposed in the near field of an antenna.