Article 47U.K.Notification in relation to third-country branches and conditions of access for credit institutions with such branches
1.Member States shall not apply to branches of credit institutions having their head office in a third country, when commencing or continuing to carry out their business, provisions which result in more favourable treatment than that accorded to branches of credit institutions having their head office in the Union.
[1a. A Member State shall require branches of credit institutions having their head office in a third country to report at least annually to the competent authorities the following information:
(a) the total assets corresponding to the activities of the branch authorised in that Member State;
(b) information on the liquid assets available to the branch, in particular availability of liquid assets in Member State currencies;
(c) the own funds that are at the disposal of the branch;
(d) the deposit protection arrangements available to depositors in the branch;
(e) the risk management arrangements;
(f) the governance arrangements, including key function holders for the activities of the branch;
(g) the recovery plans covering the branch; and
(h) any other information considered by the competent authority necessary to enable comprehensive monitoring of the activities of the branch.]
[2. The competent authorities shall notify EBA of the following:
(a) all the authorisations for branches granted to credit institutions having their head office in a third country and any subsequent changes to such authorisations;
(b) total assets and liabilities of the authorised branches of credit institutions having their head office in a third country, as periodically reported;
(c) the name of the third-country group to which an authorised branch belongs.
EBA shall publish on its website a list of all third-country branches authorised to operate in the Union, indicating the Member State in which they are authorised to operate.]
[2a. Competent authorities supervising branches of credit institutions having their head office in a third country and competent authorities of institutions that are part of the same third-country group shall cooperate closely to ensure that all activities of that third-country group in the Union are subject to comprehensive supervision, to prevent the requirements applicable to third-country groups pursuant to this Directive and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 from being circumvented and to prevent any detrimental impact on the financial stability of the Union.
EBA shall facilitate the cooperation among competent authorities for the purposes of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, including when verifying whether the threshold referred to in Article 21b(4) is met.]
3.The Union may, through agreements concluded with one or more third countries, agree to apply provisions which accord to branches of a credit institution having its head office in a third country identical treatment throughout the territory of the Union.