For emergency preparedness:
Reference levels for public exposure, taking into account the criteria laid down in Annex I;
Reference levels for emergency occupational exposure taking into account Article 53.
Optimised protection strategies for members of the public who may be exposed, for different postulated events and related scenarios;
Predefined generic criteria for particular protective measures;
Default triggers or operational criteria such as observables and indicators of on-scene conditions;
Arrangements for prompt coordination between organisations having a role in emergency preparedness and response and with all other Member States and with third countries which may be involved or are likely to be affected;
Arrangements for the emergency response plan to be reviewed and revised to take account of changes or lessons learned from exercises and events.
Arrangements shall be established in advance to revise these elements, as appropriate during an emergency exposure situation, to accommodate the prevailing conditions as these evolve throughout the response.
For emergency response:
The response to an emergency exposure situation shall be undertaken through the timely implementation of preparedness arrangements, including but not limited to:
Promptly implementing protective measures, if possible, before any exposure occurs;
Assessing the effectiveness of strategies and implemented actions and adjusting them as appropriate to the prevailing situation;
Comparing the doses against the applicable reference level, focusing on those groups whose doses exceed the reference level;
Implementing further protection strategies, as necessary, based on prevailing conditions and available information.