Council Directive 2013/59/EuratomShow full title

Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom of 5 December 2013 laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation, and repealing Directives 89/618/Euratom, 90/641/Euratom, 96/29/Euratom, 97/43/Euratom and 2003/122/Euratom

SECTION 3 Orphan sources

Article 92Detection of orphan sources

1.Member States shall ensure that arrangements are made for:

(a)raising general awareness of the possible occurrence of orphan sources and associated hazards; and

(b)issuing guidance for persons who suspect or have knowledge of the presence of an orphan source on informing the competent authority and on the actions to be taken.

2.Member States shall encourage the establishment of systems aimed at detecting orphan sources in places such as large metal scrap yards and major metal scrap recycling installations where orphan sources may generally be encountered, or at significant nodal transit points, wherever appropriate.

3.Member States shall ensure that specialised technical advice and assistance is promptly made available to persons who suspect the presence of an orphan source and who are not normally involved in operations subject to radiation protection requirements. The primary aim of advice and assistance shall be the protection of workers and members of the public from radiation and the safety of the source.

Article 93Metal contamination

1.Member States shall encourage the establishment of systems to detect the presence of radioactive contamination in metal products imported from third countries, in places such as at major metal importing installations or at significant nodal transit points.

2.Member States shall require that the management of a metal scrap recycling installation promptly informs the competent authority if it suspects or has knowledge of any melting of or other metallurgical operation on an orphan source and shall require that the contaminated materials are not used, placed on the market or disposed of without the involvement of the competent authority.

Article 94Recovery, management, control and disposal of orphan sources

1.Member States shall ensure that the competent authority is prepared, or has made provision, including assignment of responsibilities, to control and recover orphan sources and to deal with emergencies due to orphan sources and have drawn up appropriate response plans and measures.

2.Member States shall ensure that campaigns are organised, as appropriate, to recover orphan sources left behind from past practices.

The campaigns may include the financial participation of Member States in the costs of recovering, managing, controlling and disposing of the sources and may also include surveys of historical records of authorities and of undertakings, such as research institutes, material testing institutes or hospitals.

Article 95Financial security for orphan sources

Member States shall ensure that a financial security system or other equivalent means is established to cover intervention costs relating to the recovery of orphan sources and which may result from implementation of Article 94.