the exact time and date of the receipt of tenders, requests to participate and the submission of plans and projects can be determined precisely;
it may be reasonably ensured that, before the time limits laid down, no-one can have access to data transmitted under these requirements;
only authorised persons may set or change the dates for opening data received;
during the different stages of the procurement procedure or of the design contest access to all data submitted, or to part thereof, must be possible only for authorised persons;
only authorised persons must give access to data transmitted and only after the prescribed date;
data received and opened in accordance with these requirements must remain accessible only to persons authorised to acquaint themselves therewith;
where the access prohibitions or conditions referred to under points (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) are infringed or there is an attempt to do so, it may be reasonably ensured that the infringements or attempts are clearly detectable.