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A reference to the fact that interested economic operators shall advise the authority of their interest in the contract or contracts.
Type of award procedure (restricted procedures, whether or not involving a dynamic purchasing system, or competitive procedures with negotiation).
Where appropriate, indication whether:
a framework agreement is involved,
a dynamic purchasing system is involved.
As far as already known, time-frame for delivery or provision of products, works or services and duration of the contract.
As far as already known, conditions for participation, including:
where appropriate, indication whether the public contract is restricted to sheltered workshops, or whether its execution is restricted to the framework of protected job programmes,
where appropriate, indication whether the provision of the service is reserved by law, regulation or administrative provision to a particular profession,
brief description of selection criteria.
As far as already known, brief description of criteria to be used for award of the contract.
As far as already known, estimated total magnitude for contract(s); where the contract is divided into lots, this information shall be provided for each lot.
Time limits for receipt of expressions of interest.
Address where expressions of interest shall be transmitted.
Language or languages authorised for the presentation of candidatures or tenders.
Where appropriate, indication whether:
electronic submission of tenders or requests to participate will be required/accepted,
electronic ordering will be used,
electronic invoicing will be used,
electronic payment will be accepted.
Information whether the contract is related to a project and /or programme financed by Union funds.
Name and address of the body responsible for review and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning time limits for review procedures, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.