Article 51Form and manner of publication of notices
1.Notices referred to in Articles 48, 49 and 50 shall include the information set out in Annex V in the format of standard forms, including standard forms for corrigenda.
The Commission shall establish those standard forms by means of implementing acts. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 89(2).
2.Notices referred to in Articles 48, 49 and 50 shall be drawn up, transmitted by electronic means to the Publications Office of the European Union and published in accordance with Annex VIII. Notices shall be published not later than five days after they are sent. The costs of publication of the notices by the Publications Office of the European Union shall be borne by the Union.
3.Notices referred to in Articles 48, 49 and 50 shall be published in full in the official language(s) of the institutions of the Union chosen by the contracting authority. That language version or those language versions shall constitute the sole authentic text(s). A summary of the important elements of each notice shall be published in the other official languages of the institutions of the Union.
4.The Publications Office of the European Union shall ensure that the full text and the summary of prior information notices referred to in Article 48(2) and calls for competition setting up a dynamic purchasing system, as referred to in point (a) of Article 34(4) continue to be published:
(a)in the case of prior information notices, for 12 months or until receipt of a contract award notice as provided for in Article 50 indicating that no further contracts will be awarded during the 12-month period covered by the call for competition. However, in the case of public contracts for social and other specific services, the prior information notice referred to in point (b) of Article 75(1) shall continue to be published until the end of its originally indicated period of validity or until receipt of a contract award notice as provided for in Article 50 indicating that no further contracts will be awarded during the period covered by the call for competition;
(b)in the case of calls for competition setting up a dynamic purchasing system, for the period of validity of the dynamic purchasing system.
5.Contracting authorities shall be able to supply proof of the dates on which notices are dispatched.
The Publications Office of the European Union shall give the contracting authority confirmation of the receipt of the notice and of the publication of the information sent, indicating the date of that publication. Such confirmation shall constitute proof of publication.
6.Contracting authorities may publish notices for public contracts that are not subject to the publication requirement laid down in this Directive provided that those notices are sent to the Publications Office of the European Union by electronic means in accordance with the format and procedures for transmission indicated in Annex VIII.