1.Not later than 30 days after the conclusion of a contract or of a framework agreement following the decision to award or conclude it, contracting entities shall send a contract award notice on the results of the procurement procedure.
Such notice shall contain the information set out in Annex XII and shall be published in accordance with Article 71.
2.Where the call for competition for the contract concerned has been made in the form of a periodic indicative notice and the contracting entity has decided that it will not award further contracts during the period covered by the periodic indicative notice, the contract award notice shall contain a specific indication to that effect.
In the case of framework agreements concluded in accordance with Article 51, contracting entities shall not be bound to send a notice of the results of the procurement procedure for each contract based on that agreement. Member States may provide that contracting entities shall group notices of the results of the procurement procedure for contracts based on the framework agreement on a quarterly basis. In that case, contracting entities shall send the grouped notices within 30 days of the end of each quarter.
Contracting entities shall send a contract award notice within 30 days after the award of each contract based on a dynamic purchasing system. They may, however, group such notices on a quarterly basis. In that case, they shall send the grouped notices within 30 days of the end of each quarter.
3.The information provided in accordance with Annex XII and intended for publication shall be published in accordance with Annex IX. Certain information on the contract award or the conclusion of the framework agreement may be withheld from publication where its release would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of a particular economic operator, public or private, or might prejudice fair competition between economic operators.
In the case of contracts for research-and-development services (‘R & D services’), the information concerning the nature and quantity of the services may be limited to:
(a)the indication ‘R & D services’ where the contract has been awarded by a negotiated procedure without a call for competition in accordance with Article 50(b);
(b)information at least as detailed as was indicated in the notice that was used as a means of calling for competition.
4.Information provided in accordance with Annex XII and marked as not being intended for publication shall be published only in simplified form and in accordance with Annex IX for statistical purposes.