CHAPTER III Conduct of the procedure
Article 76General principles
For the purpose of selecting participants in their procurement procedures, the following rules shall all apply:
contracting entities having provided rules and criteria for the exclusion of tenderers or candidates in accordance with Article 78(1) or Article 80(1) shall exclude economic operators identified in accordance with such rules and fulfilling such criteria;
they shall select tenderers and candidates in accordance with the objective rules and criteria laid down pursuant to Articles 78 and 80;
in restricted procedures, in negotiated procedures with a call for competition, in competitive dialogues and in innovation partnerships, they shall where appropriate reduce in accordance with Article 78(2) the number of candidates selected pursuant to points (a) and (b) of this paragraph.
When a call for competition is made by means of a notice on the existence of a qualification system and for the purpose of selecting participants in procurement procedures for the specific contracts which are the subject of the call for competition, contracting entities shall:
qualify economic operators in accordance with Article 77;
apply to such qualified economic operators those provisions of paragraph 1 that are relevant to restricted or negotiated procedures, to competitive dialogues or to innovation partnerships.
When selecting participants for a restricted or negotiated procedure, a competitive dialogue or an innovation partnership, in reaching their decision as to qualification or when the criteria and rules are being updated, contracting entities shall not:
impose administrative, technical or financial conditions on certain economic operators which would not be imposed on others;
require tests or evidence which would duplicate objective evidence already available.
Where information or documentation to be submitted by economic operators is or appears to be incomplete or erroneous, or where specific documents are missing, contracting entities may, unless otherwise provided for by the national law implementing this Directive, request the economic operators concerned to submit, supplement, clarify or complete the relevant information or documentation within an appropriate time limit, provided that such requests are made in full compliance with the principles of equal treatment and transparency.
Contracting entities shall verify that the tenders submitted by the selected tenderers comply with the rules and requirements applicable to tenders and award the contract on the basis of the criteria laid down in Articles 82 and 84, taking into account Article 64.
Contracting entities may decide not to award a contract to the tenderer submitting the best tender where they have established that the tender does not comply with the applicable obligations referred to in Article 36(2).
In open procedures, contracting entities may decide to examine tenders before verifying the suitability of tenderers, provided that the relevant provisions of Articles 76 to 84 are observed, including the rule that the contract shall not be awarded to a tenderer who should have been excluded pursuant to Article 80 or who does not meet the selection criteria set out by the contracting entity in accordance with Article 78(1) and Article 80.
Member States may exclude the use of the procedure in the first subparagraph for, or restrict it to, certain types of procurement or specific circumstances.
The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 103 to amend the list in Annex XIV, where necessary, to add new international agreements that have been ratified by all Member States or where the existing international agreements referred to are no longer ratified by all Member States or they are otherwise changed, for instance in respect of their scope, content or denomination.