CHAPTER I Designation, powers and redress procedures
Article 67Designation of competent authorities
Each Member State shall designate the competent authorities which are to carry out each of the duties provided for under the different provisions of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and of this Directive. Member States shall inform the Commission, ESMA and the competent authorities of other Member States of the identity of the competent authorities responsible for enforcement of each of those duties, and of any division of those duties.
The competent authorities referred to in paragraph 1 shall be public authorities, without prejudice to the possibility of delegating tasks to other entities where that is expressly provided for in Article 29(4).
Any delegation of tasks to entities other than the authorities referred to in paragraph 1 may not involve either the exercise of public authority or the use of discretionary powers of judgement. Member States shall require that, prior to delegation, competent authorities take all reasonable steps to ensure that the entity to which tasks are to be delegated has the capacity and resources to effectively execute all tasks and that the delegation takes place only if a clearly defined and documented framework for the exercise of any delegated tasks has been established stating the tasks to be undertaken and the conditions under which they are to be carried out. Those conditions shall include a clause obliging the entity in question to act and be organised in such a manner as to avoid conflict of interest and so that information obtained from carrying out the delegated tasks is not used unfairly or to prevent competition. The final responsibility for supervising compliance with this Directive and with its implementing measures shall lie with the competent authority or authorities designated in accordance with paragraph 1.
Member States shall inform the Commission, ESMA and the competent authorities of other Member States of any arrangements entered into with regard to delegation of tasks, including the precise conditions regulating such delegation.
ESMA shall publish and keep up-to-date a list of the competent authorities referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 on its website.
Article 68Cooperation between authorities in the same Member State
If a Member State designates more than one competent authority to enforce a provision of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014, their respective roles shall be clearly defined and they shall cooperate closely.
Each Member State shall require that such cooperation also take place between the competent authorities for the purposes of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and the competent authorities responsible in that Member State for the supervision of credit and other financial institutions, pension funds, UCITS, insurance and reinsurance intermediaries and insurance undertakings.
Member States shall require that competent authorities exchange any information which is essential or relevant to the exercise of their functions and duties.
Article 69Supervisory powers
Competent authorities shall be given all supervisory powers, including investigatory powers and powers to impose remedies, necessary to fulfil their duties under this Directive and under Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.
The powers referred to in paragraph 1 shall include, at least, the following powers to:
have access to any document or other data in any form which the competent authority considers could be relevant for the performance of its duties and receive or take a copy of it;
require or demand the provision of information from any person and if necessary to summon and question a person with a view to obtaining information;
carry out on-site inspections or investigations;
require existing recordings of telephone conversations or electronic communications or other data traffic records held by an investment firm, a credit institution, or any other entity regulated by this Directive or by Regulation (EU) No 600/2014;
require the freezing or the sequestration of assets, or both;
require the temporary prohibition of professional activity;
require the auditors of authorised investment firms, regulated markets and data reporting services providers to provide information;
refer matters for criminal prosecution;
allow auditors or experts to carry out verifications or investigations;
require or demand the provision of information including all relevant documentation from any person regarding the size and purpose of a position or exposure entered into via a commodity derivative, and any assets or liabilities in the underlying market;
require the temporary or permanent cessation of any practice or conduct that the competent authority considers to be contrary to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and the provisions adopted in the implementation of this Directive and prevent repetition of that practice or conduct;
adopt any type of measure to ensure that investment firms, regulated markets and other persons to whom this Directive or Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 applies, continue to comply with legal requirements;
require the suspension of trading in a financial instrument;
require the removal of a financial instrument from trading, whether on a regulated market or under other trading arrangements;
request any person to take steps to reduce the size of the position or exposure;
limit the ability of any person from entering into a commodity derivative, including by introducing limits on the size of a position any person can hold at all times in accordance with Article 57 of this Directive;
issue public notices;
require, in so far as permitted by national law, existing data traffic records held by a telecommunication operator, where there is a reasonable suspicion of an infringement and where such records may be relevant to an investigation into infringements of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014;
suspend the marketing or sale of financial instruments or structured deposits where the conditions of Articles 40, 41 or 42 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 are met;
suspend the marketing or sale of financial instruments or structured deposits where the investment firm has not developed or applied an effective product approval process or otherwise failed to comply with Article 16(3) of this Directive;
require the removal of a natural person from the management board of an investment firm or market operator.
By 3 July 2016, the Member States shall notify the laws, regulations and administrative provisions transposing paragraphs 1 and 2 to the Commission and ESMA. They shall notify the Commission and ESMA without undue delay of any subsequent amendment thereto.
Member States shall ensure that mechanisms are in place to ensure that compensation may be paid or other remedial action be taken in accordance with national law for any financial loss or damage suffered as a result of an infringement of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.
Article 70Sanctions for infringements
Without prejudice to the supervisory powers including investigatory powers and powers to impose remedies of competent authorities in accordance with Article 69 and the right for Member States to provide for and impose criminal sanctions, Member States shall lay down rules on and ensure that their competent authorities may impose administrative sanctions and measures applicable to all infringements of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and the national provisions adopted in the implementation of this Directive and of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014, and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. Such sanctions and measures shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive and shall apply to infringements even where they are not specifically referred to in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.
Member States may decide not to lay down rules for administrative sanctions for infringements which are subject to criminal sanctions under their national law. In that case, Member States shall communicate to the Commission the relevant criminal law provisions.
By 3 July 2016 Member States shall notify the laws, regulations and administrative provisions transposing this Article, including any relevant criminal law provisions, to the Commission and ESMA. Member States shall notify the Commission and ESMA without undue delay of any subsequent amendments thereto.
Member States shall ensure that where obligations apply to investment firms, market operators, data reporting services providers, credit institutions in relation to investment services or investment activities and ancillary services, and branches of third-country firms in the case of an infringement, sanctions and measures can be applied, subject to the conditions laid down in national law in areas not harmonised by this Directive, to the members of the investment firms’ and market operators’ management body, and any other natural or legal persons who, under national law, are responsible for an infringement.
Member States shall ensure that at least an infringement of the following provisions of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No. 600/2014 shall be regarded as an infringement of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No. 600/2014:
with regard to this Directive:
- (i)
point (b) of Article 8;
- (ii)
Article 9(1) to (6);
- (iii)
Article 11(1) and (3);
- (iv)
Article 16(1) to (11);
- (v)
Article 17(1) to (6);
- (vi)
Article 18(1) to (9) and the first sentence of Article 18(10);
- (vii)
Articles 19 and 20;
- (viii)
Article 21(1);
- (ix)
Article 23(1), (2) and (3);
- (x)
Article 24(1) to (5) and (7) to (10) and the first and second subparagraphs of Article 24(11);
- (xi)
Article 25(1) to (6);
- (xii)
the second sentence of Article 26(1) and Article 26(2) and (3);
- (xiii)
Article 27(1) to (8);
- (xiv)
Article 28(1) and (2);
- (xv)
the first subparagraph of Article 29(2), the third subparagraph of Article 29(2), the first sentence of Article 29(3), the first subparagraph of Article 29(4), and Article 29(5);
- (xvi)
the second subparagraph of Article 30(1), the first sentence of the second subparagraph of Article 30(3);
- (xvii)
Article 31(1), the first subparagraph of Article 31(2) and Article 31(3);
- (xviii)
Article 32(1), the first, second and fourth subparagraphs of Article 32(2);
- (xix)
Article 33(3);
- (xx)
Article 34(2), the first sentence of Article 34(4), the first sentence of Article 34(5), the first sentence of Article 34(7);
- (xxi)
Article 35(2), the first subparagraph of Article 35(7), the first sentence of Article 35(10);
- (xxii)
Article 36(1);
- (xxiii)
the first subparagraph and the first sentence of the second subparagraph of Article 37(1), and the first subparagraph of Article 37(2);
- (xxiv)
the fourth subparagraph of Article 44(1), the first sentence of Article 44(2), the first subparagraph of Article 44(3) and point (b) of Article 44(5);
- (xxv)
Article 45(1) to (6) and (8);
- (xxvi)
Article 46(1), points (a) and (b) of Article 46(2);
- (xxvii)
Article 47;
- (xxviii)
Article 48(1) to (11);
- (xxix)
Article 49(1);
- (xxx)
Article 50(1);
- (xxxi)
Article 51(1) to (4) and the second sentence of Article 51(5);
- (xxxii)
Article 52(1), the first, second and fifth subparagraphs of Article 52(2);
- (xxxiii)
Article 53(1), (2) and (3) and the first sentence of the second subparagraph of Article 53(6), Article 53(7);
- (xxxiv)
Article 54(1), the first subparagraph of Article 54(2) and Article 54(3);
- (xxxv)
Article 57(1) and (2), Article 57(8) and the first subparagraph of Article 57(10);
- (xxxvi)
Article 58(1) to (4);
- (xxxvii)
Article 63(1), (3) and (4);
- (xxxviii)
Article 64(1) to (5);
- (xxxix)
Article 65(1) to (5);
- (xxxx)
Article 66(1) to (4); and
with regard to Regulation (EU) No 600/2014:
- (i)
Articles 3(1) and (3);
- (ii)
the first subparagraph of Article 4(3);
- (iii)
Article 6;
- (iv)
the first sentence of third subparagraph of Article 7(1);
- (v)
Article 8(1), (3) and, (4);
- (vi)
Article 10;
- (vii)
the first sentence of third subparagraph of Article 11(1) and the third subparagraph of Article 11(3);
- (viii)
Article 12(1);
- (ix)
Article 13(1);
- (x)
Article 14(1), the first sentence of Article 14(2) and the second, third and fourth sentence of Article 14(3);
- (xi)
the first subparagraph and the first and third sentences of second subparagraph of Article 15(1), Article 15(2) and the second sentence of Article 15(4);
- (xii)
the second sentence of Article 17(1);
- (xiii)
Article 18(1) and (2), first sentence of Article 18(4), first sentence of Article 18(5), the first subparagraph of Article 18(6), Article 18(8) and (9);
- (xiv)
Article 20(1) and the first sentence of Article 20(2);
- (xv)
Article 21(1), (2) and (3);
- (xvi)
Article 22(2);
- (xvii)
Article 23(1) and (2);
- (xviii)
Article 25(1) and (2);
- (xix)
the first subparagraph of Article 26(1), Article 26(2) to (5), the first subparagraph of Article 26(6), the first to fifth and eighth subparagraph of Article 26(7);
- (xx)
Article 27(1);
- (xxi)
Article 28(1) and the first subparagraph of Article 28(2);
- (xxii)
Article 29(1) and (2);
- (xxiii)
Article 30(1);
- (xxiv)
Article 31(2) and (3);
- (xxv)
Article 35(1), (2) and (3);
- (xxvi)
Article 36(1), (2) and (3);
- (xxvii)
Article 37(1) and (3);
- (xxviii)
Articles 40, 41 and 42.
Providing investment services or performing investment activities without the required authorisation or approval in accordance with the following provisions of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 shall also be considered to be an infringement of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014:
Article 5 or Article 6(2) or Articles 34, 35, 39, 44 or 59 of this Directive; or
the third sentence of Article 7(1) or Article 11(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.
Failure to cooperate or comply in an investigation or with an inspection or request covered by Article 69 shall also be regarded as an infringement of this Directive.
In the cases of infringements referred to in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, Member States shall, in conformity with national law, provide that competent authorities have the power to take and impose at least the following administrative sanctions and measures:
a public statement, which indicates the natural or legal person and the nature of the infringement in accordance with Article 71;
an order requiring the natural or legal person to cease the conduct and to desist from a repetition of that conduct;
in the case of an investment firm, a market operator authorised to operate an MTF or OTF, a regulated market, an APA, a CTP and an ARM, withdrawal or suspension of the authorisation of the institution in accordance with Articles 8, 43 and 65;
a temporary or, for repeated serious infringements a permanent ban against any member of the investment firm’s management body or any other natural person, who is held responsible, to exercise management functions in investment firms;
a temporary ban on any investment firm being a member of or participant in regulated markets or MTFs or any client of OTFs;
in the case of a legal person, maximum administrative fines of at least EUR 5 000 000, or in the Member States whose currency is not the euro, the corresponding value in the national currency on 2 July 2014, or of up to 10 % of the total annual turnover of the legal person according to the last available accounts approved by the management body; where the legal person is a parent undertaking or a subsidiary of the parent undertaking which has to prepare consolidated financial accounts in accordance with Directive 2013/34/EU, the relevant total annual turnover shall be the total annual turnover or the corresponding type of income in accordance with the relevant accounting legislative acts according to the last available consolidated accounts approved by the management body of the ultimate parent undertaking;
in the case of a natural person, maximum administrative fines of at least EUR 5 000 000, or in the Member States whose currency is not the euro, the corresponding value in the national currency on 2 July 2014;
maximum administrative fines of at least twice the amount of the benefit derived from the infringement where that benefit can be determined, even if that exceeds the maximum amounts in points (f) and (g).
Member States may empower competent authorities to impose types of sanction in addition to those referred to in paragraph 6 or to impose fines exceeding the amounts referred to in points (f), (g) and (h) of paragraph 6.
Article 71Publication of decisions
Member States shall provide that competent authorities publish any decision imposing an administrative sanction or measure for infringements of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 or of the national provisions adopted in the implementation of this Directive on their official websites without undue delay after the person on whom the sanction was imposed has been informed of that decision. The publication shall include at least information on the type and nature of the infringement and the identity of the persons responsible. That obligation does not apply to decisions imposing measures that are of an investigatory nature.
However, where the publication of the identity of the legal persons or of the personal data of the natural persons is considered by the competent authority to be disproportionate following a case-by-case assessment conducted on the proportionality of the publication of such data, or where publication jeopardises the stability of financial markets or an on-going investigation, Member States shall ensure that competent authorities shall either:
defer the publication of the decision to impose the sanction or measure until the moment where the reasons for non-publication cease to exist;
publish the decision to impose the sanction or measure on an anonymous basis in a manner which complies with national law, if such anonymous publication ensures an effective protection of the personal data concerned;
not publish the decision to impose a sanction or measure at all in the event that the options set out in points (a) and (b) are considered to be insufficient to ensure:
- (i)
that the stability of financial markets would not be put in jeopardy;
- (ii)
the proportionality of the publication of such decisions with regard to measures which are deemed to be of a minor nature.
In the case of a decision to publish a sanction or measure on an anonymous basis, the publication of the relevant data may be postponed for a reasonable period of time if it is envisaged that within that period the reasons for anonymous publication shall cease to exist.
Where the decision to impose a sanction or measure is subject to appeal before the relevant judicial or other authorities, competent authorities shall also publish, immediately, on their official website such information and any subsequent information on the outcome of such appeal. Moreover, any decision annulling a previous decision to impose a sanction or a measure shall also be published.
Competent authorities shall ensure that any publication in accordance with this Article shall remain on their official website for a period of at least five years after its publication. Personal data contained in the publication shall only be kept on the official website of the competent authority for the period which is necessary in accordance with the applicable data protection rules.
Competent authorities shall inform ESMA of all administrative sanctions imposed but not published in accordance with point (c) of paragraph 1 including any appeal in relation thereto and the outcome thereof. Member States shall ensure that competent authorities receive information and the final judgement in relation to any criminal sanction imposed and submit it to ESMA. ESMA shall maintain a central database of sanctions communicated to it solely for the purposes of exchanging information between competent authorities. That database shall be accessible to competent authorities only and it shall be updated on the basis of the information provided by the competent authorities.
Member States shall provide ESMA annually with aggregated information regarding all sanctions and measures imposed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2. That obligation does not apply to measures of an investigatory nature. ESMA shall publish that information in an annual report.
Where Member States have chosen, in accordance with Article 70, to lay down criminal sanctions for infringements of the provisions referred to in that Article, their competent authorities shall provide ESMA annually with anonymised and aggregated data regarding all criminal investigations undertaken and criminal sanctions imposed. ESMA shall publish data on criminal sanctions imposed in an annual report.
Where the competent authority has disclosed an administrative measure, sanction or criminal sanction to the public, it shall, at the same time, report that fact to ESMA.
Where a published criminal or administrative sanction relates to an investment firm, market operator, data reporting services provider, credit institution in relation to investment services and activities or ancillary services, or a branch of third-country firms authorised in accordance with this Directive, ESMA shall add a reference to the published sanction in the relevant register.
ESMA shall develop draft implementing technical standards concerning the procedures and forms for submitting information as referred to in this Article.
ESMA shall submit those draft implementing technical standards to the Commission by 3 January 2016.
Power is conferred on the Commission to adopt the implementing technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.
Article 72Exercise of supervisory powers and powers to impose sanctions
Competent authorities shall exercise the supervisory powers including, investigatory powers and powers to impose remedies, referred to in Article 69 and the powers to impose sanctions referred to in Article 70 in accordance with their national legal frameworks:
in collaboration with other authorities;
under their responsibility by delegation to entities to which tasks have been delegated pursuant to Article 67(2); or
by application to the competent judicial authorities.
Member States shall ensure that competent authorities, when determining the type and level of an administrative sanction or measure imposed under the exercise of powers to impose sanctions in Article 70, take into account all relevant circumstances, including, where appropriate:
the gravity and the duration of the infringement;
the degree of responsibility of the natural or legal person responsible for the infringement;
the financial strength of the responsible natural or legal person, as indicated in particular by the total turnover of the responsible legal person or the annual income and net assets of the responsible natural person;
the importance of profits gained or losses avoided by the responsible natural or legal person, insofar as they can be determined;
the losses for third parties caused by the infringement, insofar as they can be determined;
the level of cooperation of the responsible natural or legal person with the competent authority, without prejudice to the need to ensure disgorgement of profits gained or losses avoided by that person;
previous infringements by the responsible natural or legal person.
Competent authorities may take into account additional factors to those referred to in the first subparagraph when determining the type and level of administrative sanctions and measures.
Article 73Reporting of infringements
Member States shall ensure that competent authorities establish effective mechanisms to enable reporting of potential or actual infringements of the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and of the national provisions adopted in the implementation of this Directive to competent authorities.
The mechanisms referred to in the first subparagraph shall include at least:
specific procedures for the receipt of reports on potential or actual infringements and their follow-up, including the establishment of secure communication channels for such reports;
appropriate protection for employees of financial institutions who report infringements committed within the financial institution at least against retaliation, discrimination or other types of unfair treatment;
protection of the identity of both the person who reports the infringements and the natural person who is allegedly responsible for an infringement, at all stages of the procedures unless such disclosure is required by national law in the context of further investigation or subsequent administrative or judicial proceedings.
Member States shall require investment firms, market operators, data reporting services providers, credit institutions in relation to investment services or activities and ancillary services, and branches of third-country firms to have in place appropriate procedures for their employees to report potential or actual infringements internally through a specific, independent and autonomous channel.
Article 74Right of appeal
Member States shall ensure that any decision taken under the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 or under laws, regulations or administrative provisions adopted in accordance with this Directive is properly reasoned and is subject to the right of appeal before a tribunal. The right of appeal before a tribunal shall also apply where, in respect of an application for authorisation which provides all the information required, no decision is taken within six months of its submission.
Member States shall provide that one or more of the following bodies, as determined by national law, also may, in the interests of consumers and in accordance with national law, take action before the courts or competent administrative bodies to ensure that Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and the national provisions adopted in the implementation of this Directive are applied:
public bodies or their representatives;
consumer organisations having a legitimate interest in protecting consumers;
professional organisations having a legitimate interest in acting to protect their members.
Article 75Extra-judicial mechanism for consumers complaints
Member States shall ensure the setting-up of efficient and effective complaints and redress procedures for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes concerning the provision of investment and ancillary services provided by investment firms, using existing bodies where appropriate. Member States shall further ensure that all investment firms adhere to one or more such bodies implementing such complaint and redress procedures.
Member States shall ensure that those bodies actively cooperate with their counterparts in other Member States in the resolution of cross-border disputes.
The competent authorities shall notify ESMA of the complaint and redress procedures referred to in paragraph 1 which are available under its jurisdictions.
ESMA shall publish and keep up-to-date a list of all extra-judicial mechanisms on its website.
Article 76Professional secrecy
Member States shall ensure that competent authorities, all persons who work or who have worked for the competent authorities or entities to whom tasks are delegated pursuant to Article 67(2), as well as auditors and experts instructed by the competent authorities, are bound by the obligation of professional secrecy. They shall not divulge any confidential information which they may receive in the course of their duties, save in summary or aggregate form such that individual investment firms, market operators, regulated markets or any other person cannot be identified, without prejudice to requirements of national criminal or taxation law or the other provisions of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.
Where an investment firm, market operator or regulated market has been declared bankrupt or is being compulsorily wound up, confidential information which does not concern third parties may be divulged in civil or commercial proceedings if necessary for carrying out the proceeding.
Without prejudice to requirements of national criminal or taxation law, the competent authorities, bodies or natural or legal persons other than competent authorities which receive confidential information pursuant to this Directive or to Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 may use it only in the performance of their duties and for the exercise of their functions, in the case of the competent authorities, within the scope of this Directive or of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 or, in the case of other authorities, bodies or natural or legal persons, for the purpose for which such information was provided to them and/or in the context of administrative or judicial proceedings specifically relating to the exercise of those functions. However, where the competent authority or other authority, body or person communicating information consents thereto, the authority receiving the information may use it for other purposes.
Any confidential information received, exchanged or transmitted pursuant to this Directive or to Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 shall be subject to the conditions of professional secrecy laid down in this Article. Nevertheless, this Article shall not prevent the competent authorities from exchanging or transmitting confidential information in accordance with this Directive or with Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and with other Directives or Regulations applicable to investment firms, credit institutions, pension funds, UCITS, AIFs, insurance and reinsurance intermediaries, insurance undertakings, regulated markets or market operators, CCPs, CSDs, or otherwise with the consent of the competent authority or other authority or body or natural or legal person that communicated the information.
This Article shall not prevent the competent authorities from exchanging or transmitting in accordance with national law, confidential information that has not been received from a competent authority of another Member State.
Article 77Relations with auditors
constitute a material infringement of the laws, regulations or administrative provisions which lay down the conditions governing authorisation or which specifically govern pursuit of the activities of investment firms;
affect the continuous functioning of the investment firm;
lead to refusal to certify the accounts or to the expression of reservations.
That person shall also have a duty to report any facts and decisions of which the person becomes aware in the course of carrying out one of the tasks referred to in the first subparagraph in an undertaking having close links with the investment firm within which he is carrying out that task.
The disclosure in good faith to the competent authorities, by persons authorised within the meaning of Directive 2006/43/EC, of any fact or decision referred to in paragraph 1 shall not constitute a breach of any contractual or legal restriction on disclosure of information and shall not involve such persons in liability of any kind.
Article 78Data protection
The processing of personal data collected in or for the exercise of the supervisory powers including investigatory powers in accordance with this Directive shall be carried out in accordance with national law implementing Directive 95/46/EC and with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 where applicable.