Commission Delegated Directive 2014/74/EU
of 13 March 2014
amending, for the purposes of adapting to technical progress, Annex IV to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards an exemption for lead used in other than C-press compliant pin connector systems for industrial monitoring and control instruments
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Directive 2011/65/EU prohibits the use of lead in electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market.
Compliant pin connector systems are used in high speed digitizers, radiofrequency and wave signal sources, and wireless test equipment. Lead-free compliant pin connector systems are not yet used in industrial monitoring and control instruments (IMCIs). IMCIs have higher performance and reliability requirements than other electrical and electronic equipment, and the reliability of lead-free substitutes is not ensured under these conditions.
In order to allow manufacturers to make lead-free components technically practicable and to sufficiently demonstrate their reliability when used in IMCIs, the use of lead in other than C-press compliant pin connector systems for industrial monitoring and control instruments should therefore be exempted from the prohibition until 31 December 2020. In view of the innovation cycles for IMCIs this is a relatively short transition period which is unlikely to have adverse impacts on innovation.
In accordance with the repair-as-produced principle of Article 4(4) of Directive 2011/65/EU, which is meant to extend the lifetime of compliant products once placed on the market, spare parts shall benefit from this exemption past its end date without time limitations.
Directive 2011/65/EU should therefore be amended accordingly,