Article 3Variety register

1.Member States shall keep, update and publish a register of varieties (hereinafter ‘variety register’).

In addition to varieties registered in accordance with this Directive, the variety register shall include varieties registered before 30 September 2012 in accordance with Article 9(3) of Directive 92/34/EEC and varieties registered in accordance with the second sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 7(4) of Directive 2008/90/EC.

2.The variety register shall include the following information:

(a)denomination of the variety and synonyms;

(b)species the variety belongs to;

(c)the indication ‘official description’ or ‘officially recognised description’, as appropriate;

(d)date of registration, or, where applicable, of renewal of registration;

(e)end of validity of registration.

3.Member States shall keep a file for each variety they register. That file shall contain a description of the variety and a summary of all the facts relevant to the registration of the variety.