Appendix DRecalculation of NPD-data for non-reference conditions
  1. 1.

    First the reference spectrum is corrected to remove the SAE AIR-1845 atmospheric attenuation αn,ref:

    Ln(dref) = Ln,ref(dref) + αn,ref · dref


    where Ln(dref) is the unattenuated spectrum at dref = 305 m and αn,ref is the coefficient of atmospheric absorption for the frequency band n taken from Table D-1 (but expressed in dB/m).

  2. 2.

    Next the corrected spectrum is adjusted to each of the 10 standard NPD distances di using attenuation rates for both (i) the SAE AIR-1845 atmosphere and (ii) the user-specified atmosphere (based on SAE ARP-866A).

    1. (i)

      For the SAE AIR-1845 atmosphere:

      Ln,ref(di) = Ln(dref) – 20,lg(di/dref) – αn,ref · di


    2. (ii)

      For the user atmosphere:

      Ln,866A(T,RH,di) = Ln(dref) – 20,lg(di/dref) – αn,866A(T,RH) · di


    where αn,866A is the coefficient of atmospheric absorption for the frequency band n (expressed in dB/m) calculated using SAE ARP-866A with temperature T, and relative humidity RH.

  3. 3.

    At each NPD distance di the two spectra are A-weighted and decibel-summed to determine the resulting A-weighted levels LA,866A and LA,ref — which are then subtracted arithmetically:

    ΔLT,RH,di=LA,866ALA,ref=10×lg n=12410 Ln,866AT,RH,diAn1010×lg n=12410 Ln,refdiAn10math
