Appendix EThe finite segment correction


The energy fraction algorithm is based on the sound radiation of a ‘fourth-power’ 90-degree dipole sound source. This has directional characteristics which approximate those of jet aircraft sound, at least in the angular region that most influences sound event levels beneath and to the side of the aircraft flight path.

Figure E-1
Geometry between flight path and observer location O


Figure E-1 illustrates the geometry of sound propagation between the flight path and the observer location O. The aircraft at P is flying in still uniform air with a constant speed on a straight, level flight path. Its closest point of approach to the observer is Pp. The parameters are:


distance from the observer to the aircraft


perpendicular distance from the observer to the flight path (slant distance)


distance from P to Pp = – V · τ


speed of the aircraft


time at which the aircraft is at point P


time at which the aircraft is located at the point of closest approach Pp


flight time = time relative to time at Pp = t – tp


angle between flight path and aircraft-observer vector

It should be noted that, since the flight time τ relative to the point of closest approach is negative when the aircraft is before the observer position (as shown in Figure E-1), the relative distance q to the point of closest approach becomes positive in that case. If the aircraft is ahead of the observer, q becomes negative.