ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR THE NOISE INDICATORS(Referred to in Article 6 of Directive 2002/49/EC) 1.INTRODUCTION 2.COMMON NOISE ASSESSMENT METHODS 2.1.General provisions — Road traffic, railway and industrial noise 2.1.1.Indicators, frequency range and band definitions 2.1.2.Quality framework Accuracy of input values Use of default values Quality of the software used for the calculations 2.2.Road traffic noise 2.2.1.Source description Classification of vehicles Number and position of equivalent sound sources Sound power emission General considerations Traffic flow Individual vehicle 2.2.2.Reference conditions 2.2.3.Rolling noise General equation Correction for studded tyres Effect of air temperature on rolling noise correction 2.2.4.Propulsion noise General equation Effect of road gradients 2.2.5.Effect of the acceleration and deceleration of vehicles 2.2.6.Effect of the type of road surface General principles Age effect on road surface noise properties 2.3.Railway noise 2.3.1.Source description Classification of vehicles Definition of vehicle and train Classification of tracks and support structure Number and position of the equivalent sound sources 2.3.2.Sound power emission General equations Individual vehicle Traffic flow Rolling noise Wheel and rail roughness Definition Vehicle, track and superstructure transfer function Impact noise (crossings, switches and junctions) Squeal Traction noise Aerodynamic noise Source directivity 2.3.3.Additional effects Correction for structural radiation (bridges and viaducts) Correction for other railway-related noise sources 2.4.Industrial noise 2.4.1.Source description Classification of source types (point, line, area) Number and position of equivalent sound sources Sound power emission General Source directivity 2.5.Calculation of noise propagation for road, railway, industrial sources. 2.5.1.Scope and applicability of the method 2.5.2.Definitions used 2.5.3.Geometrical considerations Source segmentation Propagation paths Significant heights above the ground Calculation of the mean plane Reflections by building façades and other vertical obstacles 2.5.4.Sound propagation model 2.5.5.Calculation process Sound level in favourable conditions (LF) for a path (S,R)...Sound level in homogeneous conditions (LH) for a path (S,R)...Statistical approach inside urban areas for a path (S,R) Long-term sound level for a path (S,R) Long-term sound level at point R for all paths Long-term sound level at point R in decibels A (dBA)...2.5.6.Calculation of noise propagation for road, railway, industrial sources. Geometrical divergence Atmospheric absorption Ground effect Acoustic characterisation of ground Calculations in homogeneous conditions Calculation in favourable conditions Diffraction General principles Pure diffraction Calculation of the path difference Homogeneous conditions Favourable conditions Calculation of the attenuation Adif Calculation of the term Δ ground(S,O) Calculation of the term Δ ground(O,R) Vertical edge scenarios Reflections on vertical obstacles Attenuation through absorption Attenuation through retrodiffraction 2.6.General provisions — Aircraft noise 2.6.1.Definitions and symbols Terms Symbols Subscripts 2.6.2.Quality framework Accuracy of input values Use of default values Quality of the software used for the calculations 2.7.Aircraft noise 2.7.1.Aim and scope of document 2.7.2.Outline of the document 2.7.3.The concept of segmentation 2.7.4.Flight paths: Tracks and profiles 2.7.5.Aircraft noise and performance 2.7.6.Airport and aircraft operations General airport data Runway data Ground track data Air traffic data Topographical data Reference conditions Reference conditions for NPD data Reference conditions for aeroplane aerodynamic and engine data 2.7.7.Description of the flight path 2.7.8.Relationships between flight path and flight configuration 2.7.9.Sources of flight path data Radar data Procedural steps 2.7.10.Coordinate systems The local coordinate system The ground-track fixed coordinate system The aircraft coordinate system Accounting for topography 2.7.11.Ground Tracks Backbone tracks Track dispersion 2.7.12.Flight profiles 2.7.13.Construction of flight path segments Ground track Flight profile Segmentation of the takeoff ground roll Example: Segmentation of the initial climb segment Example: Segmentation of airborne segments The landing ground roll 2.7.14.Noise calculation for a single event 2.7.15.Single event metrics 2.7.16.Determination of event levels from NPD-data Impedance adjustment of standard NPD data 2.7.17.General expressions Segment event level Lseg Event noise level L of an aircraft movement 2.7.18.Flight path segment parameters Geometric parameters Segment power P 2.7.19.Segment Event level correction terms The duration correction DV (Exposure levels LE only) Sound propagation geometry Engine installation correction ΔI Lateral attenuation Λ(β,ℓ) (infinite flight path) Finite segment lateral attenuation The finite segment correction ΔF (Exposure levels LE only) Specific Treatments of Ground-roll Segments, including the start-of-roll directivity function...The start-of-roll directivity function Δ SOR Treatment of receivers located behind each takeoff and landing ground-roll...2.7.20.Event noise level L of a general-aviation aircraft movement 2.7.21.Method for the Calculation of Helicopter Noise 2.7.22.Noise associated with Engine Testing (Run-Up) Operations, taxiing and auxiliary...2.7.23.Calculation of cumulative levels 2.7.24.Weighted equivalent sound levels 2.7.25.The weighted number of operations 2.7.26.Standard grid calculation and refinement 2.7.27.Use of rotated grids 2.7.28.Tracing of contours 2.8.Assigning noise levels and population to buildings Determination of the number of inhabitants of a building CASE 1: the data on the number of inhabitants is...CASE 2: no data on the number of inhabitants is...Assigning receiver points to the façades of buildings CASE 1 CASE 2 3.INPUT DATA 4.MEASUREMENT METHODS Note: A1GENERAL AIRPORT DATA A2RUNWAY DESCRIPTION A3GROUND TRACK DESCRIPTION A4AIR TRAFFIC DESCRIPTION A5FLIGHT PROCEDURE DATA SHEET Terms and symbols Terms Symbols B1INTRODUCTION Flight path synthesis Flight path analysis B2ENGINE THRUST Guidance on operation with reduced takeoff thrust Reduced Climb Thrust B3VERTICAL PROFILES OF AIR TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, DENSITY AND WINDSPEED B4THE EFFECTS OF TURNS Approximate method B5TAKEOFF GROUND ROLL Note: B6CLIMB AT CONSTANT SPEED B7POWER CUTBACK (TRANSITION SEGMENT) Amount of thrust reduction Constant speed climb segment with cutback B8ACCELERATING CLIMB AND FLAP RETRACTION Note: Accelerating segment with cutback B9ADDITIONAL CLIMB AND ACCELERATION SEGMENTS AFTER FLAP RETRACTION B10DESCENT AND DECELERATION B11LANDING APPROACH E1GEOMETRY E2ESTIMATION OF THE ENERGY FRACTION E3CONSISTENCY OF MAXIMUM AND TIME INTEGRATED METRICS — THE SCALED...GASEPF and GASEPV data Aircraft classes data Aircraft Noise and Performance data for the four classes are...Helicopter Noise and Performance Data Set 1 Helicopter Noise and Performance Data Set 2

Commission Directive (EU) 2015/996

of 19 May 2015

establishing common noise assessment methods according to Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise1, and in particular Article 6, paragraph 2 thereof,



According to its Article 1, the aim of Directive 2002/49/EC is to define a common approach intended to avoid, prevent or reduce on a prioritised basis the harmful effects, including annoyance, due to exposure to environmental noise. To that end the Member States shall determine the exposure to environmental noise, through noise mapping, by methods of assessment common to the Member States, shall ensure that information on environmental noise and its effects is made available to the public and shall adopt action plans based upon noise-mapping results, with a view to preventing and reducing environmental noise where necessary and particularly where exposure levels can induce harmful effects on human health, and to preserving environmental noise quality where it is good.


According to Article 5 of Directive 2002/49/EC, Member States shall apply the noise indicators (Lden and Lnight) referred to in Annex I to that Directive for the preparation and revision of strategic noise mapping in accordance with Article 7.


According to Article 6 of Directive 2002/49/EC, the values of the noise indicators (Lden and Lnight) shall be determined by means of the assessment methods defined in Annex II to that Directive.


According to Article 6 of Directive 2002/49/EC, the Commission shall establish common assessment methods for the determination of the noise indicators Lden and Lnight through a revision of Annex II.


According to Article 7 of Directive 2002/49/EC, Member States shall ensure that strategic noise maps are made no later than 30 June 2007 and 30 June 2012 and thereafter reviewed, and revised if necessary, at least every 5 years.


Directive 2002/49/EC provides for action plans to be based on strategic noise maps. Strategic noise maps shall be drawn up with the common assessment methods when these methods have been adopted by Member States. However, Member States may use other methods to design measures addressing priorities identified by using the common methods as well as for assessment of other national measures to prevent and reduce environmental noise.


In 2008, the Commission launched the development of the common noise assessment methodological framework through the project ‘Common Noise Assessment Methods in the EU’ (CNOSSOS-EU) led by its Joint Research Centre. The project was carried out in close consultation with the Committee established under Article 18 of Directive 2000/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council2, and other experts from Member States. Its results were published in the JRC Reference Report on CNOSSOS-EU3.


The Annex to this Commission Directive sets out the common assessment methods. Member States are required to use these methods from 31 December 2018 onwards.


The assessment methods provided for in the Annex to this Directive are, according to its Article 2, paragraph 1, to be adopted by 31 December 2018 at the latest and until that date Member States may, according to Article 6, paragraph 2 of Directive 2002/49/EC, continue to use the existing assessment methods that they have previously adopted at the national level.


In accordance with Article 12 of Directive 2002/49/EC, the Commission shall adapt Annex II to technical and scientific progress.


Apart from the adaptation to scientific and technical progress in accordance with Article 12 of Directive 2002/49/EC, the Commission shall endeavour to modify the Annex based on the experience from Member States.


The common assessment methods are also to be used for the purpose of other EU legislation where that legislation refers to Annex II to Directive 2002/49/EC.


The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established under Article 13 of Directive 2002/49/EC,