Article 13Access to training facilities


Member States shall ensure that railway undertakings and infrastructure managers and their staff performing safety-critical tasks have fair and non-discriminatory access to training facilities for train drivers and staff accompanying trains, whenever such training is necessary for operating services on their network.

The training services shall include training on necessary route knowledge, operating rules and procedures, the signalling and control-command system and emergency procedures applied on the routes operated.

If the training services do not include examinations and granting of certificates, Member States shall ensure that staff of railway undertakings and infrastructure managers have access to such certificates.

The national safety authority shall ensure that the training services meet the requirements laid down respectively in Directive 2007/59/EC, in TSIs or in the national rules referred to in point (e) of Article 8(3) of this Directive.


If the training facilities are available only through a single railway undertaking or the infrastructure manager, Member States shall ensure that they are made available to other railway undertakings at a reasonable and non-discriminatory price which is cost-related and which may include a profit margin.


When recruiting new train drivers, staff on board trains and staff performing safety-critical tasks, railway undertakings may take into account any training, qualifications and experience acquired previously from other railway undertakings. For that purpose, such members of staff shall be entitled to have access to, obtain copies of, and communicate all documents attesting to their training, qualifications and experience.


Railway undertakings and infrastructure managers shall be responsible for the level of training and qualifications of their staff carrying out safety-critical work.