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CHAPTER III U.K. [F1Online procedures (formation, registration and filing), disclosure and registers]

Section 3 U.K. Disclosure rules applicable to branches of companies from third countries

Article 37U.K.Compulsory documents and particulars to be disclosed

The compulsory disclosure provided for in Article 36 shall cover at least the following documents and particulars:


the address of the branch;


the activities of the branch;


the law of the State by which the company is governed;


where that law so provides, the register in which the company is entered and the registration number of the company in that register;


the instruments of constitution, and memorandum and articles of association if they are contained in a separate instrument, with all amendments to those documents;


the legal form of the company, its principal place of business and its object and, at least annually, the amount of subscribed capital if those particulars are not given in the documents referred to in point (e);


the name of the company and the name of the branch if that is different from the name of the company;


the appointment, termination of office and particulars of the persons who are authorised to represent the company in dealings with third parties and in legal proceedings:

  • as a company organ constituted pursuant to law or as members of any such organ,

  • as permanent representatives of the company for the activities of the branch.

The extent of the powers of the persons authorised to represent the company shall be stated, as well as whether those persons may represent the company alone or are required to act jointly;

  • the winding-up of the company and the appointment of liquidators, particulars concerning them and their powers and the termination of the liquidation,

  • insolvency proceedings, arrangements, compositions or any analogous proceedings to which the company is subject;


the accounting documents in accordance with Article 38;


the closure of the branch.