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Article 31U.K.Right of appeal

1.Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level under which any user or undertaking providing electronic communications networks or services or associated facilities who is affected by a decision of a competent authority has the right of appeal against that decision to an appeal body that is independent of the parties involved and of any external intervention or political pressure liable to jeopardise its independent assessment of matters coming before it. This body, which may be a court, shall have the appropriate expertise to enable it to carry out its functions effectively. Member States shall ensure that the merits of the case are duly taken into account.

Pending the outcome of the appeal, the decision of the competent authority shall stand, unless interim measures are granted in accordance with national law.

2.Where the appeal body referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is not judicial in character, it shall always give written reasons for its decision. Furthermore, in such a case, its decision shall be subject to review by a court or a tribunal within the meaning of Article 267 TFEU.

Member States shall ensure that the appeal mechanism is effective.

3.Member States shall collect information on the general subject matter of appeals, the number of requests for appeal, the duration of the appeal proceedings and the number of decisions to grant interim measures. Member States shall provide such information, as well as the decisions or judgments, to the Commission and to BEREC upon their reasoned request.