CHAPTER III U.K. Access to radio spectrum

Section 3 U.K. Procedures

Article 55U.K.Procedure for limiting the number of rights of use to be granted for radio spectrum

1.Without prejudice to Article 53, where a Member State concludes that a right to use radio spectrum cannot be subject to a general authorisation and where it considers whether to limit the number of rights of use to be granted for radio spectrum, it shall, inter alia:

(a)clearly state the reasons for limiting the rights of use, in particular by giving due weight to the need to maximise benefits for users and to facilitate the development of competition, and review, as appropriate, the limitation at regular intervals or at the reasonable request of affected undertakings;

(b)give all interested parties, including users and consumers, the opportunity to express their views on any limitation through a public consultation in accordance with Article 23.

2.When a Member State concludes that the number of rights of use is to be limited, it shall clearly establish, and give reasons for, the objectives pursued by means of a competitive or comparative selection procedure under this Article, and where possible quantify them, giving due weight to the need to fulfil national and internal market objectives. The objectives that the Member State may set out with a view to designing the specific selection procedure shall, in addition to promoting competition, be limited to one or more of the following:

(a)promoting coverage;

(b)ensuring the required quality of service;

(c)promoting efficient use of radio spectrum, including by taking into account the conditions attached to the rights of use and the level of fees;

(d)promoting innovation and business development.

The national regulatory or other competent authority shall clearly define and justify the choice of the selection procedure, including any preliminary phase to access the selection procedure. It shall also clearly state the outcome of any related assessment of the competitive, technical and economic situation of the market and provide reasons for the possible use and choice of measures pursuant to Article 35.

3.Member States shall publish any decision on the selection procedure chosen and the related rules, clearly stating the reasons therefor. It shall also publish the conditions that are to be attached to the rights of use.

4.After having determined the selection procedure, the Member State shall invite applications for rights of use.

5.Where a Member State concludes that additional rights of use for radio spectrum or a combination of general authorisation and individual rights of use can be granted, it shall publish that conclusion and initiate the process of granting such rights.

6.Where the granting of rights of use for radio spectrum needs to be limited, Member States shall grant such rights on the basis of selection criteria and a selection procedure which are objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate. Any such selection criteria shall give due weight to the achievement of the objectives and requirements of Articles 3, 4, 28 and 45.

7.Where competitive or comparative selection procedures are to be used, Member States may extend the maximum period of six weeks referred to in Article 48(6) for as long as necessary to ensure that such procedures are fair, reasonable, open and transparent to all interested parties, but by no longer than eight months, subject to any specific timetable established pursuant to Article 53.

Those time limits shall be without prejudice to any applicable international agreements relating to the use of radio spectrum and satellite coordination.

8.This Article is without prejudice to the transfer of rights of use for radio spectrum in accordance with Article 51.