1. assist with mooring, unmooring and hauling (towage) operations; | 1. Knowledge of equipment, material and procedures used on board for mooring, unmooring and hauling (towage) operations.
2. Ability to use required equipment on board e.g. bollards and winches for mooring and unmooring and hauling manoeuvres.
3. Ability to use materials available on board such as ropes and wires considering relevant safety measures including the use of personal protective and rescue equipment.
4. Ability to communicate with the wheelhouse using intercom communication systems and hand signals.
5. Knowledge of the effects of water movement around craft and local effects on sailing circumstances including the effects of trim, shallow water relating to craft’s draught.
6. Knowledge of the water movement affecting the craft during manoeuvring, including the interaction effects when two craft pass or overtake each other in narrow fairways, and the interaction effects on a craft moored alongside when another craft proceeds in the fairway and passes at a short distance.
2. assist with coupling operations of push barge combinations; | 1. Knowledge of equipment, material and procedures used for coupling operations.
2. Ability to connect and disconnect push/barge combinations using required equipment and materials.
3. Knowledge of safe working rules including the use of personal protective and rescue equipment.
4. Ability to apply safe working rules and to communicate with crew members involved.
3. assist with anchoring operations; | 1. Knowledge of anchoring equipment, materials and procedures in various circumstances.
2. Ability to assist with anchor manoeuvres, e.g. prepare anchor equipment for anchoring operations, to present anchor, to give sufficient amount of cable or chain to veer initially, to determine when the anchor holds the craft at its position (anchor bearing), to secure anchors on the completion of anchoring, to use dragging anchors in various manoeuvres and to handle the anchor signs.
3. Knowledge of safe working rules including the use of personal protective and rescue equipment.
4. steer the craft complying with helm orders, using steering gear properly; | 1. Knowledge of functions and types of various propulsion and steering systems.
2. Ability to steer craft under supervision and comply with helm orders.
5. steer the craft complying with helm orders, taking the influence of wind and current into account; | 1. Knowledge of the influence of wind and current on sailing and manoeuvring.
2. Ability to steer the craft under supervision taking into account the influence of wind on sailing and manoeuvres in waterways with or without currents and with wind characteristics.
6. use navigational aids and instruments under supervision; | 1. Knowledge of the navigation aids and instruments such as rudder indicator, radar, rate of turn indicator, sailing speed indicator.
2. Ability to use the information provided by navigation aids such as light and buoyage system and charts.
3. Ability to use navigation instruments such as compass, rate of turn indicator and sailing speed indicator.
7. undertake necessary actions for safety of navigation; | 1. Knowledge of safety regulations and checklists to follow in dangerous and emergency situations.
2. Ability to recognise and respond to unsafe situations and follow-up actions according to the safety regulations.
3. Ability to immediately warn the craft’s management.
4. Ability to use personal protective and rescue equipment.
5. Knowledge of verification commissioned by the supervisor regarding the presence, usefulness, watertightness and securing of the craft and its equipment.
6. Ability to execute the work according to the checklist on deck and living quarters such as waterproofing and securing of the hatches and holds.
7. Ability to execute the work according to the checklist in the engine room; to store and secure loose items, to fill the day service tanks and check vents.
8. describe the characteristics of main European inland waterways, ports and terminals for voyage preparation and steering; | 1. Knowledge of the most important national and international inland waterways.
2. Knowledge of the main ports and terminals located in the European inland waterway transport (IWT) network.
3. Knowledge of the influence of engineering structures, waterway profiles and protection works on navigation.
4. Knowledge of the classification characteristics of rivers, canals and inland waterways of maritime character: bottom width, bank type, bank protection, water level, water movement, vertical and horizontal bridge clearance and depth.
5. Knowledge of navigational aids and instruments needed when navigating on inland waterways with maritime character.
6. Ability to explain the characteristics of various types of inland waterways for voyage preparation and steering.
9. respect the general provisions, signals, signs and marking system; | 1. Knowledge of agreed set of rules applicable in inland navigation and police regulations applying to the relevant inland waterways.
2. Ability to handle and maintain the craft’s day and night marking system, signs and sound signals.
3. Knowledge of the buoyage and marking system SIGNI (Signalisation de voies de Navigation Intérieure) and IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) part A.
10. follow procedures while passing locks and bridges; | 1. Knowledge of the shape, layout and facilities of locks and bridges, lockage (locking process), types of locks, bollards and stairs, etc.
2. Ability to apply procedures during approach, entering, locking and leaving the lock or bridge.
11. use systems of traffic control. | 1. Knowledge of various traffic control systems in use such as day and night signs on locks, weirs and bridges.
2. Ability to identify day and night signs on locks, weirs and bridges and to follow instructions of the competent authority such as bridge- and lockkeepers and traffic control operators.
3. Ability to use radio equipment in emergency situations.
4. Knowledge of Inland Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Inland Electronic Chart and Display Information System (ECDIS).