Regulation No 79/65/EEC of the Council

of 15 June 1965

setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operation of agricultural holdings in the European Economic Community (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof;

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission;

Having regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament(1),

Whereas the development of the common agricultural policy requires that there should be available objective and relevant information on incomes in the various categories of agricultural holding and on the business operation of holdings coming within categories which call for special attention at Community level;

Whereas the accounts of agricultural holdings constitute the basic source of essential data for any assessment of incomes on agricultural holdings or study of their business operation;

Whereas the data collected must be obtained from agricultural holdings specially and suitably selected in accordance with common rules and must be based on verifiable facts; whereas such data must reflect technical, economic and social conditions on the holdings involved, be taken from individual holdings, be available as quickly as possible, be based on uniform definitions, be presented in a common form and be usable at all times and in full detail by the Commission;

Whereas these objectives can be attained only by means of a Community network for the collection of farm accountancy data, based on the farm accountancy offices existing in each Member State, enjoying the confidence of the parties concerned and relying on their voluntary participation;

Whereas the complexity, both at Community and at Member State level, of the work involved in creating a Community network for the collection of farm accountancy data is such that the setting up of the accounting system must proceed gradually, thus entailing for the first few years a limited field of survey;

Whereas in selecting agricultural holdings and analysing and evaluating the data collected it is necessary to refer to data derived from other sources;

Whereas farmers must be given an assurance that their accounts and all other individual details obtained in implementation of this Regulation will not be used for taxation purposes or divulged by persons participating or having participated in the Community farm accountancy data network;

Whereas, in order that it may satisfy itself as to the objectivity and relevance of the data collected, the Commission must be in a position to obtain all necessary details concerning the manner in which the bodies entrusted with the selection of agricultural holdings and the accountancy offices participating in the Community farm accountancy data network discharge their duties and, if necessary, to send experts to work on the spot with the collaboration of the competent national authorities;

Whereas, to facilitate implementation of the provisions envisaged, a procedure should be provided for whereby the Member States and the Commission may co-operate closely within a Community committee;

Whereas after the Community farm accountancy data network has been in operation for a few years the Commission will be in a position to report on experience gained and to propose any necessary amendments to this Regulation;



OJ No 157, 30. 10. 1963, p. 2653/63.