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[F2The condition either of carrying on the activity of an employed or of a self-employed person, or the condition of having previously been compulsorily insured against the same contingency under a scheme organized for the benefit of employed or self-employed persons of the same Member State, laid down in Article 1 (a) (iv) of this Regulation, will not be required of persons who, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree No 317/1985 of 6 February 1985 , are affiliated voluntarily to the general social security scheme in their capacity as an official or employee serving an intergovernmental international organization.


In accordance with the principle of equal treatment, the benefits provided for in Royal Decree No 2805/79 of 7 December 1979 on voluntary affiliation to the general social security scheme shall be extended to the nationals of the other Member States, refugees and stateless persons residing in Community territory who, by taking up employment with an international body, cease to be compulsorily affiliated to the Spanish social security system.]


[F3In all Spanish social security schemes, with the exception of the scheme for civil servants, the armed forces and the judicial administration, any employed person or self-employed person who is no longer insured under Spanish legislation shall be considered to be still insured, when the risk materialises, for the purposes of implementing the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title III of the Regulation, if he is insured, under the legislation of another Member State at the time of materialisation of the risk or, failing that, in the case where a benefit is due for the same risk in pursuance of the legislation of another Member State. The latter condition shall be deemed to have been fulfilled, however, in the case referred to in Article 48(1).


For the purposes of implementing the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title III of the Regulation, the years which the worker lacks to reach the pensionable or compulsory retirement age stipulated in point 4 of Article 31 of the consolidated text of the Law on State Pensioners will be taken into account as service performed only if at the time of materialisation of the risk in respect of which invalidity or death pensions are due, the beneficiary was covered by Spain's special scheme for public servants or in an activity accorded like treatment under that scheme.]


Under Article 47 of the Regulation, the calculation of the theoretical Spanish benefit shall be carried out on the basis of the actual contributions of the insured person during the years immediately preceding payment of the last contribution to the Spanish social security.


[F4the amount of the pension obtained shall be increased by the amount of the increases and revalorisations calculated for each subsequent year, for pensions of the same nature]


[F3Periods completed in other Member States which must be calculated in the special scheme for civil servants, the armed forces and the judicial administration, will be treated in the same way, for the purposes of Article 47 of the Regulation, as the periods closest in time covered as a civil servant in Spain.


In the special scheme for civil servants, the armed forces and the judicial administration, the expression acto de servicio " (act of service) refers to accidents at work and occupational diseases within the meaning of and for the purposes of implementing the provisions of Chapter 4 of Title III of the Regulation.


Insofar as they concern benefits in kind, Title III, Chapter 1, sections 2 to 7 do not apply to beneficiaries of the special scheme for civil servants, the armed forces and the judicial administration who are covered under the Spanish Mutualismo administrativo " .


Where, however, a person covered by one of these schemes resides in a Member State under whose legislation:

  • the right to receive benefits in kind is not subject to conditions of insurance or employment, and

  • no pension is payable,

he shall be advised by his sickness institution to advise the appropriate authorities of the Member State of residence that he does not wish to avail himself of rights to benefits in kind granted under the national legislation in his Member State of residence. Where appropriate, this may be done with reference to Article 17a of the Regulation.


Notwithstanding the provisions of point 7, in respect of benefits in kind, the provisions of Article 27 of the Regulation shall be deemed to apply to any person who is entitled to both a pension under special schemes for civil servants, the armed forces and the judicial administration and a pension under the legislation of another Member State.]


[F5The Spanish special scheme for students ( Seguro Escolar " ) is not based, for the recognition of benefits, on completion of periods of insurance, employment and residence as those expressions are defined in Article 1(r), (s) and (sa) of the Regulation. The Spanish institutions cannot therefore issue the relevant certificates for the purposes of aggregating periods.

Nevertheless, the Spanish special scheme for students will apply to students who are nationals of other Member States and who are studying in Spain, under the same conditions as students of Spanish nationality.]