TITLE IGENERAL PROVISIONSTITLE IIDETERMINATION OF THE LEGISLATION APPLICABLETITLE IIISPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE VARIOUS CATEGORIES OF BENEFITSCHAPTER ISICKNESS AND MATERNITYSection 1Common provisionsSection 2Employed or self-employed persons and members of their familiesSection 3Unemployed persons and members of their familiesSection 4Pension claimants and members of their familiesSection 5Pensioners and members of their familiesSection 5aPersons who study or receive vocational training and members of their familiesSection 6Miscellaneous provisionsSection 7Reimbursement between institutionsCHAPTER 2 (11)INVALIDITYSection 1Employed persons or self-employed persons subject only to legislation under which the amount of invalidity benefits its independent of the duration of the periods of insuranceSection 2Employed persons or self-employed persons subject either only to legislation under which the amount of invalidity benefit depends on the duration of periods of insurance or residence or the legislation of this type and of the type referred to in Section 1Section 3Aggravation of invaliditySection 4Resumption of provision of benefits after suspension or withdrawal — Conversion of invalidity benefits into old-age benefits — Recalculation of benefits granted under Article 39Section 5Persons covered by a special scheme for civil servantsCHAPTER 3 (11)OLD AGE AND DEATH (PENSIONS)CHAPTER 4ACCIDENTS AT WORK AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASESSection 1Right to benefitsSection 2Aggravation of an occupational disease for which the benefit has been awardedSection 3Miscellaneous provisionsSection 4Reimbursements between institutionsSection 5StudentsCHAPTER 5DEATH GRANTSCHAPTER 6UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITSSection 1Common provisionsSection 2Unemployed persons going to a Member State other than the competent StateSection 3Unemployed persons who, during their last employment, were residing in a Member State other than the competent StateSection 4Persons covered by a special scheme for civil servantsCHAPTER 7 (8)FAMILY BENEFITSCHAPTER 8BENEFITS FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN OF PENSIONERS AND FOR ORPHANSTITLE IVADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION ON SOCIAL SECURITY FOR MIGRANT WORKERSTITLE VADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SECURITY FOR MIGRANT WORKERSTITLE VIMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSTITLE VIITRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS
I.Employed persons and/or self-employed persons (Article 1 (a) (ii) and...II.Members of the family (Second sentence of Article 1 (f)...I.Special schemes for self-employed persons excluded from the scope of...II.Special childbirth or adoption allowances excluded from the scope of...III.Special non-contributory benefits within the meaning of Article 4 (2b)...A.BELGIUM B.BULGARIA C.CZECH REPUBLIC D.DENMARK E.GERMANY F.ESTONIA G.GREECE H.SPAIN I.FRANCE J.IRELAND K.ITALY L.CYPRUS M.LATVIA N.LITHUANIA O.LUXEMBOURG P.HUNGARY Q.MALTA R.NETHERLANDS S.AUSTRIA T.POLAND U.PORTUGAL V.ROMANIA W.SLOVENIA X.SLOVAKIA Y.FINLAND Z.SWEDEN AA.UNITED KINGDOM A.Provisions of social security conventions remaining applicable notwithstanding Article 6...B.Provisions of Conventions which do not apply to all persons...A.Legislations referred to in Article 37 (1) of the Regulation...B.Special schemes for self-employed persons within the meaning of Articles...C.Cases referred to in Article 46 (1) (b) of the...D.Benefits and agreements referred to in Article 46b(2) of the...1.Benefits referred to in Article 46b(2)(a) of the Regulation, the...2.Benefits referred to in Article 46b(2)(b) of the Regulation, theamount...3.Agreements referred to in Article 46b(2)(b)(i) of the Regulationintended to...A.BELGIUM B.BULGARIA C.CZECH REPUBLIC D.DENMARK E.GERMANY F.ESTONIA G.GREECE H.SPAIN I.FRANCE J.IRELAND K.ITALY L.CYPRUS M.LATVIA N.LITHUANIA O.LUXEMBOURG P.HUNGARY Q.MALTA R.NETHERLANDS S.AUSTRIA T.POLAND U.PORTUGAL V.ROMANIA W.SLOVENIA X.SLOVAKIA Y.FINLAND Z.SWEDEN AA.UNITED KINGDOM A.BELGIUM B.BULGARIA C.CZECH REPUBLIC D.DENMARK E.GERMANY F.ESTONIA G.GREECE H.SPAIN I.FRANCE F.GREECE J.IRELAND K.ITALY L.CYPRUS M.LATVIA N.LITHUANIA O.LUXEMBOURG P.HUNGARY Q.MALTA R.NETHERLANDS S.AUSTRIA T.POLAND U.PORTUGAL V.ROMANIA W.SLOVENIA X.SLOVAKIA Y.FINLAND Z.SWEDEN AA.UNITED KINGDOM 1.Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2.Gibraltar Council Regulation (EC) No 1408/71of 14 June 1971on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community (8) (9) (10) (11)(Consolidated version — ) (repealed) Appendix LISTS OF ACTS AMENDING REGULATIONS (EEC) No 1408/71 AND (EEC) No 574/72

Council Regulation (EC) No 1408/71

of 14 June 1971

on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community (8) (9) (10) (11)

(Consolidated version — OJ No L 28 of 30.1.1997, p. 1) (repealed)

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