Section 1U.K.Employed persons or self-employed persons subject only to legislation under which the amount of invalidity benefits its independent of the duration of the periods of insurance

Article 37 (11)U.K.General provisions

1.An employed personor a self-employed person who has beensuccessively or alternately subject to the legislation of two or more Member States and who has completed periods of insurance exclusively under legislation according to which the amount of invalidity benefits is independent of the duration of periods of insurance shall receive benefits in accordance with Article 39. This Article shall not affect pension increases or supplements in respect of children, granted in accordance with Chapter 8.

2.Annex VI, part A, lists legislations of the kind mentioned in paragraph1 which are inforce inthe territory of each of the Member States concerned.

Article 38 (11)U.K.Consideration of periods of insurance or of residence completed under the legislation to which an employed person or a self-employed person was subject for the acquisition, retention or recovery of the right to benefits

1.Where the legislationof a Member State makes the acquisition, retention or recovery of the right to benefits, under a scheme which is not a special scheme within the meaning of paragraph 2 or 3, subject to the completion of periods of insurance or of residence, the competent institution of that Member State shall take account, where necessary, of the periods of insurance or of residence completed under the legislation of any other Member State, be it under a general scheme or under a special scheme and either as an employed person or as a self-employed person. For that purpose, it shall take account of these periods as if they had been completed under its own legislation.

2.Where the legislation of a Member State makes the granting of certain benefits conditional upon the periods of insurance having been completed only in a occupation which is subject to a special schemefor employed persons or, where appropriate, in a specific employment, periods completed under the legislation of other Member States shall be taken into account for the granting of these benefits only if completed under a corresponding scheme or, failing that, in the same occupationor, where appropriate, in the same employment.

If, account having been taken of the periods thus completed, the person concerned does not satisfy the conditions for receipt of these benefits, these periods shall be taken into account for the granting of the benefits under the general scheme or, failing that, under the scheme applicable to manual or clerical workers, as the case may be, subject to the condition that the person concerned has been affiliated to one or other of these schemes.

3.Where the legislation of a Member State makes the granting of certain benefits conditional upon the period of insurance having been completed only in a occupation subject to a special scheme for selfemployed persons, periods completed under the legislation of other Member States shall be taken into account for the granting of these benefits only if completed under a corresponding scheme or, failing that, inthe same occupation. The special schemes for self-employed persons referred to in this paragraph are listed in Annex IV, part B, for each Member State concerned.

If, account having been taken of the periods thus completed, the person concerned does not satisfy the conditions for receipt of these benefits, these periods shall be taken into account for the granting of the benefits under the general scheme or, failing that, under the scheme applicable to manual or clerical workers, as the case may be, subject to the condition that the person concerned has been affiliated to one or other of these schemes.

Article 39 (11)(14)U.K.Award of benefits

1.The institution of a Member State whose legislation was applicable at the time when incapacity for work followed by invalidity occurred shall determine, in accordance with that legislation, whether the person concerned satisfies the conditions for entitlement to benefits, taking account, where appropriate, of Article 38.

2.A person who satisfies the conditions referred to in paragraph 1shall receive the benefits only from the said institution, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation which it administers.

3.A person who is not entitled to benefits under paragraph 1 shall receive the benefits to which he is still entitled under the legislation of another Member State taking account, where appropriate, of Article 38.

4.If the legislation referred to in paragraph 2 or 3 provides that the amount of the benefits shall be determined taking into account the existence of members of the family other than the children, the competent institution shall also take into consideration those members of the family of the person concerned who are residing in the territory of another Member State, as if they were residing in the territory of the competent State.

5.If the legislation referred to in paragraph 2 or 3 lays down provisionsfor the reduction, suspension or withdrawal of benefits in the case of overlapping with other income or with benefits of a different kind within the meaning of Article 461 (2), Article 46a (3) and Article 46c (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

6.A wholly unemployed employee to whom Article 71 (1) (a) (ii) or the first sentence of Article 71 (1) (b) (ii) applies shall receive the invalidity benefits provided by the competent institution of the Member State inwhose territory he resides, inaccordan ce with the legislation which it administers, as though he had been subject to that legislation during his last employment, account being taken, where appropriate, of Article 38 and/or Article 25 (2). The institution of the country of residence shall be responsible for paying these benefits.

Where that institution applies legislation providing for deduction of contributions payable by unemployed persons to cover invalidity benefits, it shall be authorized to make such deductions in accordance with the provisions of its legislation.

If the legislation which that institution administers provides for the calculation of benefits to be based on wages or salaries, the institution shall take into account the wages or salaries received in the last country of employment and in the country of residence in accordance with the legislation which it administers. Where no wage or salary has been received in the country of residence, the competent institution shall refer, as necessary and in accordance with the rules laid down in itslegislation, to the salaries received in the last country of employment.