1. For the purposes of applying Article 17 of the Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
[2. For the purposes of applying Article 11(1) and Article 11a of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) where the posted worker concerned is registered.] |
[3. For the purposes of applying Article 12a of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) of the place of residence of the worker or where the worker is registered, depending on the case.] |
4. For the purposes of applying Article 13 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
5. For the purposes of applying Article 14 (1) and (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
[6. For the purposes of applying Article 14(3) of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ), Lisbon.] |
[7. For the purposes of applying Article 28(1), Article 29(2) and (5), Article 30(1) and (3) and Article 31(1) (second sentence) of the implementing Regulation (with regard to the issuing of certificates): | Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) of the place of residence of the person concerned.] |
8. For the purposes of applying Article 25 (2), 38 (1), 70 (1), 82 (2) and 86 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | administrative authority of the place where the members of the family reside. |
9. For the purposes of applying Article 17 (6) and (7), 18 (3), (4) and (6), 20, 21 (1), 22, 31 (1) (first sentence) and 34 (1) and (2) (first subparagraph) of the implementing Regulation (concerning the institution of the place of residence or the institution of the place of abode, whichever applies): | Administração Regional de Saúde (Regional Health Administration) of the place of residence or of abode of the person concerned. |
[10. For the purposes of applying Article 80(2), Article 81 and Article 85(2) of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) where the person concerned was last registered.] |
11. For the purposes of applying Article 102 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
1. For the purposes of applying Article 17 of the Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa] |
[2. For the purposes of applying Article 11(1) and Article 11a of the implementing Regulation: | Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.] |
[3. For the purposes of applying Article 12a of implementing Regulation: | Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.] |
4. For the purposes of applying Article 13 (2) and (3) aof the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
5. For the purposes of applying Article 14 (1) and (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
[6. For the purposes of applying Article 14(3) of the implementing Regulation: | Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.] |
[7. For the purposes of applying Article 28(1), Article 29(2) and (5), Article 30(1) and (3) and Article 31(1) (second sentence) of the implementing Regulation (with regard to the issuing of certificates): | Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.] |
8. For the purposes of applying Articles 25 (2), 38 (1), 70 (1), 82 (2) and 86 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | administrative authority of the place where the members of the family reside. |
[9. For the purposes of applying Article 17(6) and (7), Article 18(3), (4) and (6), Article 20, Article 21(1), Article 22, Article 31(1) (first sentence) and Article 34(1) and (2) (first subparagraph) of the implementing Regulation (concerning the institution of the place of residence or the institution of the place of stay, whichever applies): | Centro Regional de Saúde ( Regional Health Centre ), Funchal.] |
[10. For the purposes of applying Article 80(2), Article 81 and Article 85(2) of the implementing Regulation: | Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.] |
11. For the purposes of applying Article 102 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
[1. For the purposes of applying Article 17 of the Regulation: | Direcção Regional da Solidariedade e da Segurança Social (Regional Directorate of Solidarity and Social Security), Angra do Heroísmo.] |
[2. For the purposes of applying Article 11(1) and Article 11a of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Cash Benefits ) where the posted worker concerned is registered.] |
[3. For the purposes of applying Article 12a of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Cash Benefits ) of the place of residence or place of stay of the worker of residence or place of stay of the worker, depending on the case.] |
4. For the purposes of applying Article 13 (2) and (3) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
5. For the purposes of applying Article 14 (1) and (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
[6. For the purposes of applying Article 14(3) of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Cash Benefits ), Angra do Heroísmo.] |
[7. For the purposes of applying Article 28(1), Article 29(2) and (5), Article 30(1) and (3) and Article 31(1) (second sentence) of the implementing Regulation (with regard to the issuing of certificates): | Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Cash Benefits ) where the person concerned resides.] |
8. For the purposes of applying Articles 25 (2), 38 (1), 70 (1), 82 (2) and 86 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | Administrative authority of the place where the members of the family reside. |
[9. For the purposes of applying Article 17(6) and (7), Article 18(3), (4) and (6), Article 20, Article 21(1), Article 22, Article 31(1) (first sentence) and Article 34(1) and (2) (first subparagraph) of the implementing Regulation (concerning the institution of the place of residence or the institution of the place of stay, whichever applies): | Centro de Saúde ( Health Centre ) of the place of residence or place of stay of the person concerned.] |
[10. For the purposes of applying Article 80(2), Article 81 and Article 85(2) of the implementing Regulation: | Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Financial Benefits ) where the person concerned was last registered.] |
11. For the purposes of applying Article 102 (2) of the implementing Regulation: | [Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of International Relations for Social Security ), Lisboa.] |
1. For the purposes of applying Article 17 of the Regulation: | Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of international social security relations ), Lisboa. |
2. For the purposes of applying Article 11(1) and Article 11a of the implementing Regulation: | Secretaria-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que exerça as funções de gestão dos recursos humanos no organismo a que está vinculado o funcionário destacado ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which is responsible for the management and administration of human resources in the body to which the posted civil servant is attached ). |
3. For the purposes of applying Article 12a of the implementing Regulation: | Secretaria-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que exerça as funções de gestão e administração dos recursos humanos noorganismo a que o funcionário está vinculado ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which is responsible for the management and administration of human resources in the body to which the posted civil servant is attached ). |
4. For the purposes of applying Article 13(2) and (3) of the implementing Regulation: | Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of international social security relations ), Lisboa. |
5. For the purposes of applying Article 14(3) of the implementing Regulation: | Secretaria-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que exerça as funções de gestão e administração dos recursos humanos no organismo a que o funcionário está vinculado ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which is responsible for the management and administration of human resources in the body to which the posted civil servant is attached ). |
6. For the purposes of applying Article 28(1), Article 29(2) and (5), Article 30(1) and (3) and Article 31(1) (second sentence) of the implementing Regulation (as far as the submission of certificates is concerned): | Direccão-Geral de Protecção Social dos Funcionários e Agentes da Administração Pública (ADSE) ( Directorate-general for social protection of civil servants and other civil service staff ), Lisboa. |
7. For the purposes of applying Article 25(2), Article 38(1), Article 70(1) and Article 86(2) of the implementing Regulation: | Autoridade administrativa do lugar de residência dos familiares ( Administrative authority of the place where the members of the family reside ). |
8. For the purposes of applying Article 17(6) and (7), Article 18(3) and (6), Article 20, Article 21(1), Article 22, Article 31(1) (first sentence) and Article 34(1) and (2) (first subparagraph) of the implementing Regulation (concerning the institution of the place of residence or the institution of the place of abode, whichever applies): | Administração Regional de Saúde do lugar de residência ou de estada do interessado ( Regional health authority of the place of residence or of abode of the person concerned ). |
9. For the purposes of applying Article 85(2) of the implementing Regulation: | Secretaria-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento do último organismo a que o interessado esteve vinculado, que exerça as funções de gestão e administração dos recursos humanos ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department of the last body to which the person concerned was attached, which is responsible for the management and administration of human resources ). |
10. For the purposes of applying Article 102(2) of the implementing Regulation: | Departamento de Relações Internacionais de Segurança Social ( Department of international social security relations ), Lisboa.] |