1. Sickness andmaternity: | |
(a) For the purposes of applying Articles 16 to 29 of the implementing Regulation: | |
(i) as a generale rule: | the insurance body with which the employed or self-employed person is insured, |
(ii) for mariners: | Caisse de secours et de prévoyance en faveur des marins —Hulp- en voorzorgskas voor zeervarenden (Relief and Welfare Fund for Mariners), Antwerpen, |
(iii) for persons covered by the overseas social insurance scheme: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels), |
(iv) for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels); |
(b) For the purposes of applying Title V of the implementing Regulation: | Institut national d'assurance maladie-invalidité, Bruxelles —Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering, Brussel (National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance Institute, Brussels) acting on behalf of the insurance bodies or the Relief and Welfare Fund for Mariners. |
2. Invalidity: | |
(a) General invalidity (manual workers, clerical staff and miners) and invalidity of self-employed persons: | Institut national d'assurance maladie-invalidité Bruxelles —Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering, Brussel (National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance Institution, Brussels) together with the insurance body with which the employed or self-employed person is, or has been, insured; |
(b) Special invalidity scheme for miners: | Fonds national de retraite des ouvriers-mineurs, Bruxelles —Nationaal pensioenfonds voor mijnwerkers, Brussel (National Pension Fund for Miners, Brussels); |
(c) Mariners' invalidity scheme: | Caisse de secours et de prévoyance en faveur des marins —Hulp- en voorzorgskas voor zeervarenden (Relief and Welfare Funds for Mariners), Antwerpen; |
(d) invalidity of persons covered by the overseas social insurance scheme: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels); |
(e) invalidity of former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)[F1;] |
[F2(f) invalidity of persons covered by a special scheme for civil servants: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances ou le service qui gère le régime spécial de pension — Administratie van pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën of de dienst die het bijzonder stelsel beheert ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance or the service which manages the special pensions scheme ).] |
3. Old-age, death (pensions): | |
(a) general scheme (manual workers, clerical staff, miners and mariners): | Office national des pensions, Bruxelles —Rijksdienst voor pensioenen, Brussel (National Pension Office, Brussels); |
(b) non-salaried persons scheme: | Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants, Bruxelles —Rijksinstituut voor de sociale verzekeringen der zelfstandigen, Brussel (National Social Insurance Institute for Self-Employed Persons, Brussels); |
(c) overseas social insurance scheme: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels); |
(d) scheme for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)[F1;] |
[F2(e) special scheme for civil servants: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances ou le service qui gère le régime spécial de pension — Administratie van pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën of de dienst die het bijzonder stelsel beheert ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance or the service which manages the special pensions scheme ).] |
4. Accidents at work: | |
(a) Until expiry of the review period provided for by the law of 10 April 1971 (Article 72): | |
(i) benefits in kind: | |
— renewal and maintenance of prostheses: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at Work Fund, Brussels), |
— benefits other than those referred to above: | the insurer with whom the employer is insured; |
(ii) cash benefits | |
— grants: | the insurer with whom the employer is insured, |
— supplementary awards provided for by Royal Decree of 21 December 1971: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at Work Fund, Brussels); |
(b) after expiry of the review periods provided for by the law of 10 April 1971 (Article 72) | |
(i) benefits in kind: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at work Fund Brussels), |
(ii) cash benefits: | |
— pensions: | the duly appointed body for pensions, |
— supplementary awards: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at Work Fund, Brussels); |
(c) scheme for mariners and fishermen: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at Work Fund, Brussels); |
(d) in cases of non-insurance: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at Work Fund, Brussels); |
(e) scheme for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)[F1;] |
[F2(f) for the whole of the Belgian public sector: | Personnel department of the administration employing the civil servant; |
(g) scheme for military personnel and gendarmes: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances — Administratie van Pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance ).] |
5. Occupational diseases: | |
(a) as a general rule: | Fonds des maladies professionelles, Bruxelles —Fonds voor beroepsziekten, Brussel (Occupational Diseases Fund, Brussels); |
(b) scheme for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)[F1;] |
[F2(c) for the whole of the Belgian public sector: | Personnel department of the administration employing the civil servant; |
(d) scheme for military personnel and gendarmes: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances — Administratie van Pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance ).] |
6. Death grants: | |
(a) sickness and invalidity insurance: | |
(i) in general: | Institut national d'assurance maladie-invalidité, Bruxelles —Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering, Brussel (National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance Institution, Brussels) together with the insurance body with which the employed person was insured, |
(ii) for mariners: | Caisse de secours et de prévoyance en faveur des marins —Hulp- en voorzorgskas voor zeervarenden (Relief and Welfare Fund for Mariners), Antwerpen, |
(iii) for persons covered by the overseas social insurance scheme: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels) |
(iv) for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels); |
(b) accidents at work: | |
(i) in general: | the insurer, |
(ii) for mariners: | Fonds des accidents du travail, Bruxelles —Fonds voor arbeidsongevallen, Brussel (Accidents at Work Fund, Brussels), |
(iii) for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)[F1,] |
[F2(iv) for the whole of the Belgian public sector: | Personnel department of the administration employing the civil servant, |
(v) for military personnel and gendarmes: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances — Administratie van Pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance );] |
(c) occupational diseases: | |
(i) as a general rule: | Fonds des maladies professionnelles, Bruxelles —Fonds voor beroepsziekten, Brussel (Occupational Diseases Fund, Brussels), |
(ii) for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)[F1,] |
[F2(iii) for the whole of the Belgian public sector: | Personnel department of the administration employing the civil servant, |
(iv) for military personnel and gendarmes: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances — Administratie van Pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance );] |
[F2(d) for those entitled to a pension under a special scheme for civil servants: | Administration des pensions du Ministère des Finances ou le service qui gère le régime spécial de pension — Administratie van Pensioenen van het Ministerie van Financiën of de dienst die het bijzonder stelsel beheert ( Pensions administration of the Ministry of Finance or the service which manages the special pensions scheme ).] |
7. Unemployment: | |
(i) in general: | Office national de l'emploi, Bruxelles —Rijksdienst voor arbeidsvoorziening, Brussel (National Employment Office, Brussels); |
(ii) for mariners: | Pool des marins de la marine marchande —Pool van de zeelieden ter koopvaardij, (Merchant Navy Pool) Antwerpen. |
8. Family benefits: | |
(a) employed persons scheme: | Office national des allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés, Bruxelles —Rijksdienst voor kinderbijslag voor werknemers, Brussel (National Family Allowances Office for Employed Persons, Brussels); |
(b) self-employed persons' scheme: | Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants, Bruxelles —Rijksinstituut voor de sociale verzekeringen der zelfstandigen, Brussel (National Social Insurance Institute for Self-Employed Persons, Brussels); |
(c) scheme for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi: | Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel (Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels). |
Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Council Regulation (EC) No 1606/98 of 29 June 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 with a view to extending them to cover special schemes for civil servants.
F2 Inserted by Council Regulation (EC) No 1606/98 of 29 June 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 with a view to extending them to cover special schemes for civil servants.