ANNEX 2 (A) (B) (2) (3) (7) (8) (9) (13) (14) (15)U.K.COMPETENT INSTITUTIONS(Article 1 (o) of the Regulation and Article 4 (2) of the implementing Regulation)


[F2(a) Sickness and maternity:
(i) Benefits in kind:
1. In general:
The competent amtskommune (district administration). In København: Borgerrepræsentationen (municipal authority). In Frederiksberg: Kommunalbestyrelsen (local authority). For hospital treatment in København or Frederiksberg: Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab (Hospitals Cooperative),
2. For pension claimants and pensioners and members of their families residing in another Member State, see the provisions of Title III, Chapter 1, Sections 4 and 5 of the Regulation and Articles 28 to 30 of the implementing Regulation:
Den Sociale Sikringsstyrelse (Social Security Administration), København;
(ii) Cash benefits:
Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary resides.]
(b) Invalidity:
(i)benefits granted under the legislation on social pensions:
[F3Den Sociale Sikringsstyrelse (Social Security Administration), København];
[F2(ii) Rehabilitation benefits:
Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary resides;]
[F4(iii) pensions granted under legislation on pensions for civil servants:
Finansministeriet, Økonomistyrelsen (Ministry of Finance, Agency for financial management and administrative affairs), Københaven.]
(c) Old-age and death (pensions):
(i)pensions granted under legislation on social pensions:
[F3Den Sociale Sikringsstyrelse (Social Security Administration), København];
(ii) pensions granted under the law on supplementary pensions for employed persons (‘loven om Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension’):
Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (Supplementary Pensions Office for Employed Persons); Hillerød[F5;]
[F4(iii) pensions granted under legislation on pensions for civil servants:
Finansministeriet, Økonomistyrelsen (Ministry of Finance, Agency for financial management and administrative affairs), Københaven.]
(d) Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
(i)benefits in kind and pensions:
Arbejdsskadetstyrelsen (National Office for Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases), København;
[F2(ii) Daily allowances:
Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary resides.]
[F2(e) Death grants:
(i) Insured persons resident in Denmark:
Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary resides. In København: Borgerrepræsentationen (municipal authority);
(ii) Beneficiaries resident in another Member State, (see Title III, Chapter 5 of the Regulation and Articles 78 and 79 of the implementing Regulation):
Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Health), København.
(f) Unemployment:
Arbejdsdirektoratet (Directorate of Labour) København.
(g) Family benefits (family allowances):
Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary resides.]

Textual Amendments