1. For the purposes of Articles 93 (1), 94 and 95 of the implementing Regulation: | |
A. Scheme for employedpersons: | |
(a) general scheme: | Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie (National Sickness Insurance Fund), Paris; |
(b) agricultural scheme: | Caisse centrale de secours mutuels agricoles (Central Agricultural Mutual Benefit Fund), Paris; |
(c) miners' scheme: | Caisse autonome nationale de sécurité sociale dans les mines (National Independent Social Security Fund for Miners), Paris; |
(d) mariners' scheme: | Établissement national des invalides de la marine (National Institution for Disabled Mariners), Paris. |
B. Scheme for self-employed persons: | |
(a) scheme for self-employed persons not engaged in agriculture: | Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie et maternité des travailleurs non salariés des professions non agricoles, Saint-Denis (National Sickness and Maternity Fund for Self-Employed Persons not Engaged in Agriculture), Saint-Denis; |
(b) agricultural scheme: | Caisse centrale de secours mutuels agricoles (Central Agricultural Mutual Benefit Fund), Paris, Caisse centrale des mutuelles agricoles (Central Agricultural Mutual Benefit Fund), Fédédration française des sociétés d'assurance (Ramex et Gamex) (French Federation of Insurance Societies), Fédération nationale de la mutualité françcaise (National Federation of French Mutual Benefit Associations). |
2. For the purposes of applying Article 96 of the implementing Regulation: | |
(a) general scheme: | Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie (National Sickness Insurance Fund), Paris; |
(b) agricultural scheme: | Caisse de mutualité sociale agricole (Agricultural Social Insurance Mutual Benefit Fund); |
(c) miners' scheme: | Caisse autonome nationale de sécurité sociale dans les mines (National Independent Social Security Fund for Miners), Paris; |
(d) mariners' scheme: | Établissement national des invalides de la marine (National Institute for Disabled Mariners), Paris. |
3. The other competent institutions are those defined under French legislation, namely: | |
A. Scheme for employed person: | |
(a) general scheme: | |
(i) sickness, maternity, death (grant): | Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (Local Sickness Insurance Fund); |
(ii) invalidity: | |
(aa) in general, except for Paris and the Paris region: | Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (Local Sickness Insurance Fund); |
for Paris and the Paris region: | Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie (Regional Sickness Insurance Fund), Paris; |
(bb) special scheme provided for in Articles L 365 to L 382 of the Social Security Code: | Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie (Regional Sickness Insurance Fund), Strasbourg; |
(iii) old-age: | |
(aa) as a general rule, except for Paris and the Paris region: | Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie (branche vieillesse) (Regional Sickness Insurance Fund (Old-Age Section)); |
for Paris and the Paris region: | Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des travailleurs salariés (National Old-Age Insurance Fund for Employed Persons), Paris; |
(bb) special scheme provided for in Articles L 365 to L 382 of the Social Security Code: | Caisse régionale d'assurance vieillesse (Regional Old-Age Insurance Fund), Strasbourg, or Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie (Regional Sickness Insurance Fund), Strasbourg; |
(iv) accidents at work: | |
(aa) temporary incapacity: | Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (Local Sickness Insurance Fund); |
(bb) permanent incapacity: | |
— pensions: | |
— accidents occuring after 31 December 1946: | Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (Local Sickness Insurance Fund), |
— accidents occuring before 1 January 1947: | the employer or the insurer acting in his stead; |
— pension increases: | |
— accidents occuring after 31 December 1946: | Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (Local Sickness Insurance Fund), |
— accidents occuring before 1 January 1947: | Caisse des dépôts et consignations (Deposit and consignment Office); |
(v) family benefits: | Caisse d'allocations familiales (Family Allowances Fund); |
(vi) unemployment: | |
— for registration as a person seeking work: | local employment agency in the place of residence of the person concerned, |
— for the issue of forms E 301, E 302, E 303: | Groupement des Assedic de la région parisienne (GARP), 90, rue Baudin, F92537 Levallois-Perret; |
(b) agricultural scheme: | |
(i) sickness, maternity, death (grant), family benefits: | Caisse de mutualité sociale agricole (Agricultural Social Insurance Mutual Benefit Fund); |
(ii) invalidity and old-age insurance and benefits for the surviving spouse: | Caisse centrale de secours mutuels agricoles (Central Agricultural Mutual Benefit Fund), Paris; |
(iii) accidents at work: | |
(aa) as a general rule: |
(bb) for pension increases: |
(iv) unemployment: | |
— for registration as a person seeking work: | Local employment agency in the place of residence of the person concerned, |
— for the issue of forms E 301, E 302, E 303: | Groupement des Assedic de la région parisienne (GARP), 90, rue Baudin, F-92537 Levallois-Perret; |
(c) miners' scheme: | |
(i) sickness, maternity, death (grant): | Société de secours minière (Miners' Relief Society), |
(ii) invalidity, old-age death (pensions): | Caisse autonome nationale de sécurité sociale dans les mines (National Independent Social Security Fund for Miners), Paris; |
(iii) accidents at work: | |
(aa) temporary incapacity: | Société de secours minière (Miners' Relief Society); |
(bb) permanent incapacity: | |
— pensions: | |
— accidents occurring after 31 December 1946: | Union régionale des sociétés de secours minières (Regional Union of Miners' Relief Societies), |
— accidents occurring before 1 January 1947: | the employer or the insurer acting in his stead; |
— pensions increases: | |
— accidents occurring after 31 December 1946: | Union régionale des sociétés de secours minières (Regional Union of Miners' Relief Societies), |
— accidents occurring before 1 January 1947: | Caisse des dépôts et consignations (Deposit and Consignment Office); |
(iv) family benefits: | Union régionale des sociétés de secours minières (Regional Union of Miners'; Relief Societies); |
(v) unemployment: | |
— for registration as a person seeking work: | Local employment agency in the place of residence of the person concerned, |
— for the issue of forms E 301, E 302, E 303: | Agence nationale pour l'emploi (service spécialisé pour la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants) (National Employment Agency (Special Department Dealing with Social Security for Migrant Workers)), 9, rue Sextius Michel, F-75015 Paris; |
(d) mariners' scheme: | |
(i) sickness, maternity, invalidity, accidents at work, death (grant) and pensions for survivors of disabled persons or of persons who have sustained an accident at work: | Section Caisse générale de prévoyance des marins du quartier des affaires maritimes (General Welfare Fund for Mariners, Department of the Maritime Affairs Division); |
(ii) old-age, death (pensions): | Section «Caisse de retraite des marins» du quartier des affaires maritimes (Mariners' Pension Fund Department of the Maritime Affairs Division); |
(iii) family benefits: | Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales des marins du commerce (National Family Allowances Fund for Mariners in the Merchant Navy), orCaisse nationale d'allocations familiales de la pêche maritime (National Family Allowances Fund for the Sea Fishing Industry), as appropriate; |
(iv) unemployment: | |
— for registration as a person seeking work: | local employment agency in the place of residence or in the habitual port of embarkation of theBureau central de la main d'œuvre maritime (Central Office for Seafarers), |
— for the issue of forms E 301, E 302, E 303: | Groupement des Assedic de la région parisienne (GARP), 90, rue Baudin, F-92537 Levallois-Perret[F2,] |
[F3(e) special civil servants' scheme(invalidity, old age, occupational accidents and diseases): | |
(i) national civil servants: | Service des pensions du ministère chargé du budget ( Pensions department, Ministry with responsibility for the budget ); |
(ii) regional and local authority or hospital service civil servants: | Caisse des dépôts et consignations ( Deposit and consignment Office ), Bordeaux centre.] |
B. Scheme for self-employed persons: | |
(a) scheme for employed persons not engaged in agriculture: | |
(i) sickness, maternity: | Caisse mutuelle régionale (Regional Mutual Benefit Fund); |
(ii) old-age: | |
(aa) craftsmen's scheme: |
(bb) manufacturers' and tradesmen's scheme: |
(cc) scheme for the professions: | Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des professions libérales (CNAVPL), sections professionnelles (National Old-Age Insurance Fund for Members of the Professions — Professional Branches); |
(dd) lawyers' scheme: | Caisse nationale des barreaux français (CNBF) (National Fund for Members of the French Bar); |
(b) agricultural scheme: | |
(i) sickness, maternity, invalidity: | Organisme assureur habilité auprés duquel le travailleur non salarié agricole est affilié (the authorized insurance body with which the self-employed person engaged in agriculture is insured); |
(ii) old-age insurance and benefits for the surviving spouse: | Caisse de mutualité sociale agricole (Agricultural Social Insurance Mutual Benefit Fund); |
(iii) non-industrial accidents, accidents at work and occupational diseases: |
A. Scheme for employed persons (all schemes with the exception of the miners' scheme and all risks, with the exception of family benefits): | |
(i) in general: | Caisse générale de sécurité sociale (General Social Security Fund); |
(ii) for pension increases in respect of accidents at work occurring in overseas departments before 1 January 1952; | Direction départementale de l'enregistrement (Departmental Directorate of Registration)[F2;] |
[F3(iii) for the special civil servants' scheme(invalidity, old-age, occupational accidents and diseases): | |
(aa) national civil servants: | Service des pensions du ministère chargé du budget ( Pensions department, Ministry with responsibility for the budget ); |
(bb) regional and local authority or hospital service civil servants: | Caisse des dépôts et consignations ( Deposit and consignment Office ), Bordeaux centre.] |
B. Scheme for self-employed persons: | |
(i) sickness, maternity: | Caisse mutuelle régionale (Regional Mutual Benefit Fund); |
(ii) old-age: | |
— craftsmen's scheme: | Caisse nationale de l'organisation autonome d'assurance vieillesse des travailleurs non salariés des professions artisanales (Cancava) (National Independent Old-Age Insurance Fund for Self-Employed Persons in Craft Occupations), |
— manufacturers' and tradesmen's scheme: | Caisse interprofessionnelle d'assurance vieillesse des industriels et commerçants d'Algérie et d'outre-mer (Cavicorg) (Interprofessional Old-Age Insurance Fund for Manufacturers and Traders in Algeria and Overseas), |
— scheme for the professions: | Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des professions libérales (CNAVPL) — Sections professionnelles (National Old-Age Insurance Fund for Members of the Professions — Professional Branches), |
— laywers' scheme: | Caisse nationale des barreaux français (CNBF) (National Fund for Members of the French Bar). |
C. Family benefits: | Caisse d'allocations familiales (Family Allowances Fund). |
D. Mariners' scheme: | |
(i) all risks, except old-age and family benefits: | Section «Caisse générale de prévoyance des marins» du quartier des affaires maritimes (General Welfare Fund for Mariners, Department of the Maritime Affairs Division); |
(ii) old-age: | Section «Caisse de retraite des marins» du quartier des affaires maritimes (Mariners' Pension Fund Department of the Maritime Affairs Division); |
(iii) family benefits: | Caisse d'allocations familiales (Family Allowances Fund). |
Textual Amendments
F2 Substituted by Council Regulation (EC) No 1606/98 of 29 June 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 with a view to extending them to cover special schemes for civil servants.
F3 Inserted by Council Regulation (EC) No 1606/98 of 29 June 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 with a view to extending them to cover special schemes for civil servants.
Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Council Regulation (EC) No 1791/2006 of 20 November 2006 adapting certain Regulations and Decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement of persons, company law, competition policy, agriculture (including veterinary and phytosanitary legislation), transport policy, taxation, statistics, energy, environment, cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, customs union, external relations, common foreign and security policy and institutions, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania.