Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 (repealed)Show full title

Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 of 21 March 1972 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self employed persons, to self-employed persons and to their families moving within the Community (Consolidated version — OJ No L 28 of 30. 1. 1997, p. 1See annex B. ) (repealed)


I. Mainland
[F31. Sickness, maternity and family benefits:
Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) to which the person concerned is affiliated.]
[F32. Invalidity, old age and death:
Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Nacional de Pensões , Lisboa, e Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: National Pensions Centre , Lisbon, and District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) to which the person concerned is affiliated.]
3.Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
[F4Centro Nacional de Protecção contra os Riscos Profissionais ( National Centre for Protection Against Occupational Risks ).]
4.Unemployment benefits:
(a)reception of the application and verification of the employment situation (e.g. confirmation of the periods of employment, classification of unemployment, checks on the situation):
Centro de Emprego (Employment Centre) where the person concerned resides;
[F3(b) grant and payment of unemployment benefits (e.g. verification of the conditions for eligibility to benefits, fixing the amount and duration, checks on the situation for maintaining, suspending or terminating payment):
Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) to which the person concerned is affiliated.]
[F35. Benefits from a non-contributory social security scheme:
Instituto de Solidariedade e Segurança Social: Centro Distrital de Solidariedade e Segurança Social ( Institute of Solidarity and Social Security: District Centre of Solidarity and Social Security ) where the person concerned resides.]
II. Autonomous region of Madeira
[F31. Sickness, maternity and family benefits:
Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.]
[F32. (a) Invalidity, old age and death:
Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal;
(b) invalidity, old age and death under the special social security scheme for agricultural workers:
Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.]
3.Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
[F4Centro Nacional de Protecção contra os Riscos Profissionais ( National Centre for Protection Against Occupational Risks ).]
4.Unemployment benefits:
[F3(a) reception of the application and verification of the employment situation (e.g. confirmation of the periods of employment, classification of unemployment, checks on the situation):
Instituto Regional de Emprego: Centro Regional de Emprego ( Regional Institute of Employment: Regional Employment Centre ), Funchal;
(b) grant and payment of unemployment benefits (e.g. verification of the conditions for eligibility to benefits, fixing the amount and duration, checks on the situation for maintaining, suspending or terminating payment):
Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.]
[F35. Benefits from a non-contributory social security scheme:
Centro de Segurança Social da Madeira ( Social Security Centre of Madeira ), Funchal.]
III. Autonomous region of the Azores
[F31. Sicknes, maternity and family benefits:
Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Cash Benefits ) to which the person concerned is affiliated.]
[F32. (a) Invalidity, old age and death:
Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro Coordenador de Prestações Diferidas ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Coordinating Centre for Deferred Benefits ), Angra do Heroísmo;
(b) invalidity, old age and death under the special social security scheme for agricultural workers:
Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro Coordenador de Prestações Diferidas ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Coordinating Centre for Deferred Benefits ), Angra do Heroísmo.]
3.Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
[F4Centro Nacional de Protecção contra os Riscos Profissionais ( National Centre for Protection Against Occupational Risks ).]
4.Unemployment benefits:
[F3(a) reception of the application and verification of the employment situation (e.g. confirmation of the periods of employment, classification of unemployment, checks on the situation):
Agência para a Qualificação e Emprego ( Agency for Qualification and Employment ) where the person concerned resides;
(b) grant and payment of unemployment benefits (e.g. verifcation of the conditions for eligibility to benefits, fixing the amount and duration, checks on the situation for maintaining, suspending or terminating payment):
Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Centre for Cash Benefits ) to which the person concerned is affiliated.]
[F35. Benefits from a non-contributory social security scheme:
Instituto de Gestão de Regimes de Segurança Social: Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias ( Institute for the Management of Social Security Schemes: Centre for Cash Benefits ) where the person concerned resides.]
1. Sickness and maternity:
for cash benefits:
Secretaria-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que, em cada organismo, exerça as funções de gestão e administração dos recursos humanos ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which, in each body, is responsible for the management and administration of human resources ),
for benefits in kind:
Direccáo-Geral de Protecção Social dos Funcionários e Agentes da Administracáo Publica (ADSE) ( Directorate-general for social protection of civil servants and other civil service staff ), Lisboa.
2. Family benefits:

Secretaris-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que, em cada organismo, exerca as funcões de gestão e administracáo dos recursos humanos ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which, in each body, is responsible for the management and administration of human resources ),


Caixa Geral de Aposentacóes (para titulares de pensão) , (General pension fund) (for pensioners) , Lisboa.

3. Invalidity and old age:
Caixa Geral de Aposentacóes ( General pension fund ), Lisboa.
4. Death:
survivor's pension:
Caixa Geral de Aposentacões ( General pension fund ), Lisboa,
death grant:

Secretaria-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que, em cada organismo, exerça as funções de gestão e administração dos recursos humanos ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which, in each body, is responsible for the management and administration of human resources ),


Caixa Geral de Aposentaçóes (em caso de falecimnto de titulares de pensão) , (General pension fund), (in the event of the death of pensioners) , Lisboa.

5. Accidents at work and occupational diseases:

Secretaris-Geral ou equivalente ou o departamento que, em cada organismo, exerca as funcóes de gestáo e administracáo dos recursos humanos ( General secretariat or equivalent or the department which, in each body, is responsible for the management and administration of human resources ),


Caixa Geral de Aposentacóes ( General pension fund ), Lisboa.]